Asked — Edited

Using Dynamixel Servos With ARC

Hey, I was tossing it in my head for a while...but I did not ask this, because there is a solution already, and I chose to build my robot using a different brand of servos!

But now that there is a discussion, on how to integrate Dynamixel servos as easy as possible int ARC software, I just wanted to ask... Would it be possible, to modify the code of the plugin to work by just sending the servos instructions directly by using the LewanSoul BusLinker?

That way, there is no need to use any additional code running on a separate microcontroller...

I see the pros of a dedicated microcontroller...but the ease of use might be talking for this solution? Any thoughts on this?

Related Hardware OpenCM 9.04
Related Controls LewanSoul Servo Dynamixel


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