
Hey guys, Something very strange is happening over here...I just cannot create a new project. Once I go to file/new/new project and add a servo I cannot use this newly created servo! I can center it once or move it once, but then it stops responding!
The EZ-B still works a is connected to the Wifi
I installed the latest version of ARC
If I open an old project it all works normal, I can also add new servos to other ports and delete existing ones and address freshly created servo movement panels to those same ports without any problem!
So I can use ARC, no big deal...I just have to open old projects, delete all the stuff that I do not need and it all works fine.
But it kind of bugs me...has anyone ever experienced something like this before? confused
The ARC instance is disconnecting from the EZ-B. This is most likely due to a brown-out following the attempt of moving the servo. What power source are you using? I believe the power source may be less than 7.4v because you also have the battery monitor disabled - which also may not be enough to move the servo.
Disconnect message from your status window: [feature] 25.09.2016 20:10:50C:\Users\swann\OneDrive\Dokumente\EZ-Builder\My Projects\PWM_Arm.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.RdxFZHO1y2(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) [/feature]
The battery monitor disable message that you are receiving: [feature] 25.09.2016 20:10:38C:\Users\swann\OneDrive\Dokumente\EZ-Builder\My Projects\PWM_Arm.EZB**WARNING: The low battery warning monitor is set DISABLED. If using the LiPo batteries from a Revolution EZ-Robot, for battery longevity and your safety we highly recommend that you re-enable the battery monitor. This setting can be found in the Connection Control Config Menu. [/feature]
Thanks for the quick response...I actually used my low amp power supply, because I was just having a single servo attached! I will check this right now!
A single servo can draw many amps - surprisingly! It's the surge of movement which causes the consumption.
It still happens...It's really weird!
If I close ARC and load an old project it works just fine! If I try to create a new project the servo does not move...
I am using a 5V/20Amp Power Supply and the EZ-B is not browning out...
And you set the MIN and MAX positions of the servo? And the EZ-B index is specified correctly?
Yes it is set to board zero, it connects without a problem...
I can center the servo once, then it becomes inaccessible! If I try to set the MIN/MAX values of the servo it is not responding, dragging the slider of the servo panel does not have an effect either!
The board does not brown out and it does not drop out of the Wifi...
In my older projects everything works out fine!
Have you tried a different servo? Perhaps something is wrong with that servo - or a wire is loose. It'll end up being something super simple that was overlooked
Looking at your ARC log activity, the JD and PWM Project are both disconnecting. Do you have any i2c controls that by no i2c devices?
When it "stops responding", is the red LED on the EZ-B steady on?
The servo works fine and is responding, I tried different servos already!
No i2c devices are hooked up to the EZ-B!
I noticed after loading the JD default scene, I could not access the EZ-B and had to put in my Wifi network key once more to make it work!
When I open the JD default scene my servo moves one time and then stops responding, the light on the EZ-B turns to a steady red!
The light staying red means there is an i2c communication error - there is a control that is attempting to use an i2c device which is not there. Post your PWM_Arm.EZB project and i'll take a look at it.
OK, cool...hope it will bring some light to this weird scenario!
The project works fine. Are you certain this is not power related? I can see in the log files that the project keeps disconnecting on it's own. And the red led could still mean the brownout.
Also - you have the PWM set to use PORT D0 which is also being used by "Horizontal servo 2". Using the PWM control with a servo connected will attempt to move the servo into a position outside of the physical range - which will strain the servo and either burn it out or brown out the power supply.
The problem is not really within the project, this works all fine..it is just if I open a new project that I cannot setup a new servo! I could also try another project without PWM to see if it makes any difference!
This project also just works fine!
But if I try to make a new project I cannot add any servos that will work! The Horizontal servo within this project was newly added and works, if I create a new project and add a servo it does not work...
My Power Supply is a switching one with fixed 5V and 20A
I cannot reproduce the issue - perhaps it's a network problem?
I will try to restart my router and my PC, and will check if the problem persists! Very strange....
I will do this tomorrow, it's getting a bit late here in Germany!
Okay! Keep me updated
Have a good night!
Hey DJ, please check the latest logfile...
Plain EZ-B, no servos attached,
I reset the EZ-B, (so it will be in default AP mode) I open up the default JD scene, Connect the EZ-B
When I do this it drops out of the connection and the red led is on a steady red!
Any ideas on how to solve this? confused
Is there any other way to test the scenario... you mentioned an i2c communication error, there is no i2c device attached but I could plug in something like the 18 RGB LED Block?
Strange! eek
Do you have a 2nd ezb? If so does this happen using the 2nd unit?
I had a similar problem with a project and it was because I was initializing an I2C device and did not have one connected.
Just the opposite. You need to make sure your project does not have any I2C devices defined if you don't have one connected.
However, since you are saying you are starting with a brand new project and just adding a servo, that seems unlikely.
I see you attached working projects to your post. Can you post a non-working project?
Hey guys, thanks a lot for the input and being with me on solving this! Also good to know that I am not the only one the ever experienced a problem like this!
While I wanted to put a non working scene together for @thetechguru the magic happened...I can create new servo movement panels without the EZ-B going numb all of the sudden! The only thing I did differently other than all those times before is that instead of going to file/new and created a new project, I just clicked project/add to create a new servo Movement Panel and all of the sudden it works again! This might be something that could give a hint on debugging this? In the end I am just very happy that things work again...whichever Black Magic was used to get it going and to whomever I own my soul now!
The problem of opening the native JD scene still persists, but I am not sure if it is a bug...I try to open the scene with just the EZ-B hooked, bare and stripped as god created it! So this could be the problem? Does this happen to any of you guys if you are trying to do this?
Man am I glad that everything works again!
The JD project tries to initialize JDs eyes, which are i2c when you connect to the EZ-B, and so will lock up a bare EZ-B. There is a JD no eyes, or similarly named version that doesn't have the eyes object and so won't lock up.
Thanks Alan...I am back on track now! Great support!