Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Ezbpi Server And Lewan Soul Servos

Hey guys, I am about to start building the Unity rig for my new robot ZOE, and I was wondering...

Would I be somehow able to drive the Lewan Soul servos directly with the Servo And Camera Server? I really like the idea that I am able now to import the Raspberry Pis camera image to Unity, and to drive the Lewan Soul servos I would just use an http request from within Unity to send the servo positions to a server on my Raspberry Pi. But for a better ARC integration, it would also be nice to drive them using the Servo And Camera Server!

Is the Servo And Camera Server supporting Virtual servos, or how should I send those positions?:)

Related Hardware Raspberry Pi
Related Control LewanSoul Servo


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@DJSures sorry about being stupid, everything works fine, I don't know what I did wrong in the first place!! Just forget about it it was a PEBCAK!!:D