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Sayezb Not Working In Mobile App?
It appears that SayEZB does not work in mobile app with lattest software? It works in ARC desktop but not in mobile app and it used to. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. It appears to be a bug?
DJ Sures |
Servo Control Voltage
I dont have a scope to verify this but would I be correct in assuming that the servo control voltage going to the servo is 3.3 volts on any particular digital port that a servo is connected to on an EZ Controller? The power to the servo would be the battery voltage that the EZ Controller is powered up from which is typically 7.2 Volts? Thanks...
DJ Sures |
Neopixel Blaster, Neopixel Bit, Rgb 8X8 Display Eta
@JD, Just wondering if there is an update on the ETA for the Neopixel Blaster, Neopixel Bit, RGB 8x8 Display or if these new hardware items have been cancelled? Will we be seeing any new hardware items released soon? Thanks much.....Rick
kamaroman68 |
New Movement Panel For Roomba And Create Robot Platforms?
@DJ, Just wondering if you have come up with a new movement panel for the Roomba and Create Robot Platforms? Quite some time ago you mentioned you were working on it and just checking if you still plan to do this? Thanks Much....Rick
rbonari |

Serial Toolbox Plugin
@PTP I have read over the tutorial on making plugins and it was very good and helpful. I am looking to do a plugin using the serial port on the ezb to communicate with an arduino...
Nink |

Servo Movement At Power Up Before Initialization
When running my servo initialization in the connection script I am able to set position and speed just fine. I noticed that...
Dave Schulpius |
How To View Plugin C# Source Code?
Just wondering how to view plugin C# source code for learning purposes. I went to the software tab and selected plugins but dont see anything about viewing source code. Any help is much appreciated....Rick
rbonari |
Saving Projects In ARC
I updated ARC to lattest version on Windows 7 and Windows 10 computers. Did no have an issue installing or updating on Windows 7 computer. However on Windows 10 computer the install program kept telling me that there were two files that needed to be closed before the install program could continue. Both of these appeared to be ARC files. Whe it...
Dave Schulpius |
Parrot Ar 2.0 Drone?
Just wondering if the Parrot AR 2.0 Drone app is available in lattest version of windows 10. I looked in the cloud app store under public for it and it no longer shows up in my files in the EZ Cloud. I no it is no longer supported but would still like to use the Parrot 2.0 App where it left off. Unfortunately I updated both my computers with the...
rbonari |

Mobile App Continuous Toggle Button
I am working on a mobile app and have a button that I want to be able to toggle. First push would turn leds on and next push would turn leds off. This...
rbonari |
Roomba 500+
Hello, I was wondering what models of the Roomba that are supported by the example ARC Application? Does the ARC Application support the I-Robot Create? I downloaded the Roomba Example in ARC, I noticed it didnt include a mobile interface. I started to create a mobile interface for the Roomba example and have a couple of questions: --I put forward,...
faengelm |
Unable To Open Files From Ez-Cloud Error
I have been unable to open any files from the ez-cloud on windows 7 and windows 10 with the lattest update. Not sure what is up with this. This has been working? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Rick
faengelm |
Ir Filter On New Ez-Robot Camera
I looked through the threads regarding the IR Filter on the new cameras but everything seemed to be focused on the old style cams from years ago. Just wonder if the lattest cameras have an IR filter and if so is it easy to remove without destroying the camera? Wondering if anyone has done this with the new cameras? Rick
robo rad |
ARC On Microsoft Surface Book
I have a microsoft surface book with windows 10 professional. Finally made the switch from windows 7. I have read the threads on display issues with windows 10. I have the screen resolution set to 1920 x 1080 with a text size of 125. Everything displays in one screen without having to scroll left or right. Text displays fine but is a bit small....
DJ Sures |
Ez-Bv4/2 3.3 Volt Digital Output Max Sink And Source Currents?
Looked around forum a bit and looked at the ez-bV4/2 data sheet but havent found the max source and sink currents for the 3.3 volt digital output pins (each pin). Any clarification on this would be much appreciated. In order to calculate the base resistor between 3.3 volt digital output pin of ezb controller and the base of the transistor one...
rbonari |
New Roomba Movement Panel With Input
Hello DJ, In a previous thread posted by another member you had mentioned you would release a new Roomba Movement Panel with Input and I was wondering how you are doing with it and the lattest release date? Thanks much !
Ellis |

Using Ezb Hbridge To Control Rc Truck
I am looking to control a basic RC Truck using an HBridge from EZ-Robot. The RC truck is quite simple in that it has one motor for forward and...
rbonari |
Awesome C# Using Asp.Net Course Plus More
I have come across an awesome website that among other things has a great course on C# using ASP.NET plus other courses. Robert Tabor is well known in the programming world for his software courses with an emphasis on C#. Amongst his students are many people that work at Microsoft and other business/private concerns. The website is: www.devu.com...
rbonari |

Adventure Robot Checkout
Hello, I assembled the Adventure Robot and have it working with the RGB Animation Display and the Ultrasonic Sensor. All seems to be working for the most part but I have a...
DJ Sures |

Regular And Custom Http Server Controls
Hello, I have ventured into the HTTP Servers, both regular and custom and was really impressed. Pretty cool stuff ! First question I have is...
rbonari |
Controlling I-Robot Create 2 With ARC Roomba Movement Panel?
I disconnected the servo from D0 on my Adventure Bot and connected GND on D0 (Black Pins) to Pin 6 on Create 2 connector (GND)-(Pin 7 also a GND pin on Roomba). I connected D0 Output (White Pins) to pin 3 on Roomba (Receive Pin). The Create 2 communicates at 115K Baud as does the newer Roombas. I tried checking the use old protocol and leaving it...
rbonari |
Using ARC With Homeseer Automation Software?
I was wondering if one could use ARC to control the Homeseer Automation Software. Thanks to PTP and the Techguru I have been able to use HTTPGet successfully to control a foscam camera on my network. I was thinking it might be possible to control the automation sotware as it is also connected to my network at a different IP Address of course. The...
Tameion |
Intermittent Exception Error When Trying To Start Custom Http Server?
I originally posted this thread in another topic discussion, but thought it should maybe start a different thread for this discussion. Below, is what I posted in a previous discussion on the HTTP Custom Web Server Control: I noticed that when I activate the custom web server in my project sometimes I get the following exception error: Object...
rbonari |
Adventure Bot Auto Position Movement Panel
Hello, I performed the calibration procedure that DJ made up for the continuous rotation servos of the Adventure Bot using a test continuous rotation movement panel. All worked out great. I then opened my main project for Adventure Bot that uses the Auto Position Movement Panel and it acts differently. When I click forward, reverse, left and right...
rbonari |
Trying To View Foscam F19831p Ip Cam In ARC Windows Video Control?
Hello, I visited the threads regarding viewing Foscam Video in ARC Camera Control. I have a Foscam F19831p IP Video Camera and entered the following information in the camera control device select box: http://192.168.x.x:Port/snapshot.cgi?user=usernamepwd=password When I select start in the Camera Control I get the following error message in the...
rbonari |
Using Foscam F19831p Ip Camera In ARC Mobile (Android)
Hello DJ, We conversed about enabling specifically the Foscam IP Cameras in the ARC Mobile App. You mentioned that there was an issue with Apple Phones that wouldnt allow ARC Mobile to work with IP Cams on the Apple Phones. Would this be a restriction for Android Phones as well? If not would it be possible for you to modify the Android Phone App to...
rbonari |
Rgb Animator Display Scripts Work In ARC Pc But Not In Phone Mobile App -
Hello, I have two buttons in the mobile app that are programmed to run an RGB Animator Display (one button) and to clear the RGB Animator Display (2nd Button). Both of these worked in the mobile app on my Android phone before upgrading ARC. Here is the script code associated with the buttons: ControlCommand(RGB Animator,AutoPositionAction,...
rbonari |
Tic-Tac-Toe Plugin
DJ, Would I be correct that when playing this game of Tic-Tac-Toe that you are not really playing against the robot but against the PC ARC Program? I can have the robot disconnected and the game plays on. Works no matter if you are connected to the robot or not? Also noticed that sometimes the program locks up when it is the robot/computers turn to...
ptp |
Using Httpget Command With Foscam F19831p Wifi Ip Camera?
DJ, I have a newer Foscam F19831p Wifi IP Camera and am trying to control the PTZ functions using HTTPGet Command. I type in the following and looking in the debug screen it appears to be connecting as there are no errors but the camera does not move: HTTPGet(http://192.168.x.x:Port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=ptzMoveRightuser=usernamepwd=password) I...
thetechguru |
What Is The Best Small Laptop To Use On I-Robot Create 2 Base Tjjhat Will Run Ez
Hello, Im strongly considering a good small and fast Laptop or notebook/netbook that will run ARC Software/Hardware now and in the future. Needs to work with all aspects of ARC PC and Mobile now and in the future. I want to use a Foscam F19831P IP Cam with the EZ-BV4 Controller on the I-Robot Create2 base with the small Laptop....
DJ Sures |
Support For Gps In ARC And ARC Mobile?
Hello DJ, I noticed that there appears to have been support for GPS in previous versions of ARC but I dont see the control in the current version of EX-Builder. I have read some interesting threads about the Iphone data streamer app. Is there such a thing for the Android Phones? Will GPS be supported again in ARC? Thanks Much, Rick B.
rbonari |
What Is The Ezb Serial Terminal Used For And How Do You Use It?
Hello, Just wondering what the EZB Serial Terminal is and how you would use it? I assume the PC Serial Terminal in ARC allows you to view serial data coming into and going out of the PC Serial Port. Seems it takes the place of hyperterminal, etc. The use of EZB Serial Terminal is not obvious to me. I have an idea but I dont think it is correct....
rbonari |

Gripper Servo Foam Inserts?
Hello, I purchased a Gripper Servo and have it on my robot and set up but have some questions: The foam pieces that are included inside the gripper claws, are they...
DJ Sures |
Wait For Color, Wait For Face Wait For Glyph In ARC Mobile?
Hello, I was using roboscratch in my mobile application and noticed the Wait for Color, Wait for Face, Wait for Glyph dont appear to work in mobile ARC application. Seems I read in one of the threads that Wait for Color works on Mobile Device using roboscratch but not Wait for Face, or Wait for Glyph detection. Am I correct or all wet? Seems I also...
rbonari |
Hello, I set up in ARC to track a red ball and it works quite well. I followed the tutorial for tracking one color. I was playing around with RoboScratch and it is not only fun but educational. However when I put Camera: wait for color and select the red color and then add a movement command to the left, sleep for 3 seconds, movement command to the...
rbonari |
Clarification Of Ev-Bv4 Digital Input And Output Levels
Hello, I have read about the digital inputs and outputs and have some questions to clarify my understanding of them: Am I correct in assuming that the digital I/O pins can be set as inputs and read as either 0V(logic 0) or +5V(logic 1) via EZ-Script. Also can they be set as outputs and the output level set to 0V (logic 0) or +5V (logic 1) via...
rbonari |
Bremerton Washington Kitsap Create Robotics Group And Upcoming Stem Faire
Hello DJ, I took my Adventure Robot creation to the Kitsap CREATE (Computers, Robotics, Electronics and Art Technology Enthusiasts) and did a demo on the EZ-Robot Concepts. It was a huge success and a lot of interest was generated in EZ-Robot Products. They were awed by the hardware/software and how easy it is for kids, beginning robotic...
rz90208 |
Making Android Mobile App Compatible With Multi-Screen Viewing On Android Phones
Hello DJ, I mentioned in a previous thread about having An IP Cam and EZ-Robot Cam mounted on IRobot Create for security uses. I also mentioned that I could switch between apps to view different camera views. Then today I found out that on the Samsung Galaxy S4 and other phones you can display two apps on the screen at the same time. This would be...
DJ Sures |
Foscam F19831p Useage With ARC ARC Mobile
Hello All, I searched on the forums for Foscam Posts and found some good ones. However, the setup doesnt work for me. I know the IP Address of the IP Camera and it is on the same network that my robot is on. I entered the IP address into the camera selection field in ARC and started the camera but no video stream. I have the Foscam camera set to...
rbonari |
Ultrasonic Sensor In ARC Using Collision Avoidance Control?
Hello, When using the ARC Ultrasonic Collision Avoidance Control, does the readout in the Ultrasonic Sensor Window show inches? it seems that it is reading in centimeters and not inches with the Collision Avoidance Control. if not the reading in the ARC Display is pretty far off. To get a fairly accurate reading, should I be using the Distance...
DJ Sures |
Updating To The Lattest Version Of ARC Software For Windows
Hello, Just wondering if it is best to uninstall previous version of ARC for Windows or if you can just update from within Windows ARC when the update box is flashing saying that there is a new update available and asks you if you want to download it? Also it would seem that if you uninstall the previous version you will lose all of your previous...
DJ Sures |
No Camera After Updating To Lattest Version Of ARC For Windows?
Hello, I successfully updated the ARC Software for Windows and successfully connected to the Adventure Robot in AP communication mode. All works except for camera. Hit start button in camera screens and it immediately changes to stop. No picture from camera in video window. Worked o.k. with previous version before update? Odd thing about it is when...
DJ Sures |
Adventure Robot Servo Calibration Profile Procedures?
I have an Adventure Robot on order but havent received it yet, but I am researching into it on EX-Robot Site ahead of its arrival. I noticed in the application for the Adventure Robot that there is a Servo Calibration Profile for the wheel Servos. Have a few questions regarding this procedure: 1) What exactly are we calibrating. The only thing I am...
DJ Sures |
Product Information
I am interested in purchasing some items and have some general information questions: 1) I noticed that the 4 in 1 orientation sensor is out of stock. Will it be back in stock soon? 2) The inverted pendulums are in stock but it states that they are Pre-Order-Only. What do you mean by Pre-Order-Only? 3) I am interested in experimenting with the...
DJ Sures |
Roli Rover Video Streaming Over The Internet
I am very interested in Ezrobot Products, especially the Roli Rover. I am looking for and have been for some time, an economical security type robot for home use where I can control the base over the internet and control the camera pan/tilt functions over the internet and stream live video streaming over the internet using my Samsung Galaxy S4 over...
thetechguru |
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