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Bremerton Washington Kitsap Create Robotics Group And Upcoming Stem Faire

Hello DJ,

I took my Adventure Robot creation to the Kitsap CREATE (Computers, Robotics, Electronics and Art Technology Enthusiasts) and did a demo on the EZ-Robot Concepts. It was a huge success and a lot of interest was generated in EZ-Robot Products. They were awed by the hardware/software and how easy it is for kids, beginning robotic enthusiasts and also advanced users. There are a lot more people looking at your website. One of the members is a school teacher and she wants me to do a demonstration in her classroom using the EZ-Robot adventure robot along with the ARC Software on the PC. I am working on the vision aspects of a presentation now. Hope to be ready sometime next month. The teacher is looking at purchasing multiple robot kits. Needless to say EZ-robots was the star of the show at the meeting last night. Rick B.


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ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


Wow that's excellent to hear! Thank you so much:). Surprisingly, you may not know but ezrobots primary market is actually education in schools. There is an entire division of ezrobot that creates curriculum and supports education sales. The ezrobot products are in thousands of schools! You can only imagine how brilliant these children are going to be when they're our age - and what the world will be like.

With so many industries moving to robots as human replacements, and many new industries emerging (such as unmanned space travel), having education in robotics will have a major positive impact in their careers.

While other robot products are promoting robotics for "engineering" education, such as math and building bridges, etc... That's a 10 year old outdated perceptive. It's time they realize that robot education no longer needs to be masked behind other industries - robotics will be an industry of its own, and it's happening now.

Great to see you taking that initiative! I imagine it will make you quite a popular robot resource in your community!


That's awesome Rbonari, I have 2 3D printers printing EZ-Bits getting ready for the Milwaukee Makers Fair in September. I plan on doing the same thing showing attendees how easy it is to build and program a robot using the ez-bits and ARC. I have also been asked to be a Boy Scout Merit Badger Counselor for Robotics using the EZ-Robot system. At the fare I will have JD, an R2D2 and an RAD Robot v1 all with the EZB controllers. Richard Z


Oh the rad robot chassis is excellent! They were popular on ezrobot forum for a while... Them they went away. Not sure why? It's great to hear that you will be building one. I've always wanted to build one as well.



Then they went away. Not sure why?

Because they are getting harder and harder to find ones of decent quality. Once people discovered there is a market, the price on eBay sky-rocketed.



Ah man - just like those omnibots!



Ah man - just like those omnibots!

Yeah, I actually think it may be worse. Either there were less made, they are more fragile and didn't survive, or are still well loved by their owners because very few come up at any kind of decent price anymore.

Back on topic:

Those taking your robots to MakerFair's, if you haven't been before, a word of warning. There will be lots of children, and a lot of the displays are very hands on, so the kids tend to get "grabby". JD in particular can be a bit fragile if mis-handled, so be sure to have a place where you can place things out of reach while your attention is drawn to talking with particular guests. If you are one person, with 3 robots, you might want to only have 2 out at a time so that your attention isn't pulled in too many directions only to find parts ripped off the robot you weren't watching.

If managed well, it can be a lot of fun both for you and for the kids (and adults) at the fair, but I have seen a lot of people leave very upset that the projects they had spent months or years on were damaged by kids just being excited kids (with perhaps not quite enough parental supervision).



Thank you for the warnings Alan, It would not be a stretch to turn around and find a bot GONE. My plan is to have the Bots in back on display unless I am demoing one. And have a few EZ-Bits (No servos) on the table for people to play with. I expect I will have some broken parts but they are ABS so a little Acetone will fix em right up. I also hope to have my 3D Printer printing parts there also. Anything other advice is appreciated.

Richard Z