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Parrot Ar 2.0 Drone?

Just wondering if the Parrot AR 2.0 Drone app is available in lattest version of windows 10. I looked in the cloud app store under public for it and it no longer shows up in my files in the EZ Cloud. I no it is no longer supported but would still like to use the Parrot 2.0 App where it left off. Unfortunately I updated both my computers with the current software.

Any ideas on how I can get the existing app as is would be much appreciated..Rick


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If im not mistaken the Parrot AR drone conyrol panel is still availible in ARC. Load a new file, go projects, third party robots, and select AR Drone movement panel.


@Cardboard Hacker

It has been awhile since I looked into the Parrot AR 2.0 Drone. I thought there was an actual legacy app in the cloud app store under public. I noticed most legacy apps have been removed from the cloud public app store? Rick