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Adding Multiple Motor Controls
Afternoon All Im finally getting back to my project after many months. I searched the forum on my question but I thought I would post here so Id have the most...question

My Battery Is Low Message: How To Permannntly Disable
Im running a heavy duty servo at 6 volts and that initiates the My Battery is Low message from the EZ board. I can...question

Pololu H-Bridge Wiring And Settings Not Working
Its Sunday so I must be having H-Bridge problems So Im attempting to set up another Pololu H-bridge on a second board. I...question

Unable To Deactivate My Battery Is Low Message
Im running an EZ board at a lower voltage than 6.6 because of my heavy duty servo (Im not using batteries but 5 volts from a...question

H-Bridges Stop Working After Ez Updated
Afternoon All I just upgraded to the latest EZ software and now all of my H-Bridges no longer work. None of the ports or settings were changed...question

Servo Failure
Morning All Today I upgraded to the latest software but now all my servos have stopped working. I rebooted both EZ and my laptop and rebuilt my servo controls but I get no response from any of...question

Lower Voltage Servo And My Battery Is Low Message
Hopefully this is an easy one :-) I have a 4.5 to 6 servo Id like to power via EZ. Id like to reduce the servos voltage by...question

12 V Motor With H-Bridge
Afternoon All Can anyone confirm the H Bridges in the tutorials are still not suitable for 12 volt motors even with the new EZ boards? I want to avoid the headache of using...question

Actuators And H Bridges
Ill make this as succinct as possible Can the H Bridges sold by EZ and discussed in the tutorials handle standard 12v actuators? Im talking low speed, slide out/slide in....question

No Response To Gws Servo
Afternoon All Im stumped. Im trying to make a connection with a non-EZ GWS servo but am having no luck. Ive tested the EZ with standard servos that came with the kit and...question

Two Wire Servo
Evening All Electronics novice here :-) Im attempting to connect a two wire servo (need more torque) to EZ. Is this possible? Thanks, D.Scottquestion

12 Volt Power Supply Recommendation Needed
Evening All Im looking for a 12 volt power supply recommendation for a build. Im running 4 12 volt motors (nothing heavy duty) with H...question

Single Connectors For Multiple Servos?
Hello All I need some advice. My B9 robot has multiple servos running a variety of components. Occasionally I need to disconnect everything to...question

No Servo Control
Evening All This question is somewhat related to my earlier one on servo values. I have a 12 volt servo that Im unable to get any control over. My port is set, my grounds are connected,...question

H Bridge Not Needed If Motor Not Reversed?
Hopefully this is straightforward. If I am NOT reversing a 12 volt motor but just turning it on then off then I dont need an H-Bridge,...question

Controlling A 12 Volt Servo With Outside Power Source
Afternoon All So I need to control a 12 volt servo using an outside power source. Im assuming I need an H-bridge...question

Servo Positioning Values
Afternoon All Im having trouble getting any positioning on my 180 degree servos. No matter what values I put in the unit does a complete arc. I can add speed control but...question

Ez Heat And Project Box
Morning All Does anyone have experience or an opinion on putting an EZ Board in a project enclosure box (like the ones from Radio Shack)? I want to protect from damage and...question

How To Limit Range Of A Motor
Afternoon All So Im using an H-Bridge and panel to turn the head section of my robot. It works great but I want to limit the range of the revolution. For example...question

Common Ground And Pololu H Bridge
Morning All So Im using a Pololu H bridge (VNH2Sp30) to control a 12 volt motor and having trouble with my common ground. I ran a connection from the...question

B9 Robot And H Bridges
Hello All So Im a total novice at electronics and am on a steep learning curve so bear with me :-) Im using EZ-Robot to control my B9 and have a question about H-Bridges. EZ...question

Tutorial Videos
Is there a plan to provide updated tutorials for the new EZ interface? The current videos are for a previous version from my board and Im having a very difficult time figuring what should be...question

H-Bridge Speed Control
Evening All Im working with H-Bridges and am having trouble finding the controls to regulate speed. Ive followed the tutorial which directs me to use the PWM slider to regulate...question

No Power
My EZ Robot isnt powering up correctly. I just took the unit out of the box for the first time, completed the barrel wiring and connected it to the battery case. The unit did nothing until I picked it up...question

H Bridge Wiring
Evening All So Im working on wiring my H bridges that I purchased through E-Z Robot. I was following the tutorial describing the steps (see below) but soon realized my H Bridge is slightly...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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