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Evening All
This question is somewhat related to my earlier one on servo values. I have a 12 volt servo that I'm unable to get any control over. My port is set, my grounds are connected, values set, however when I apply power and/or attempt to calibrate the servo dances across my workbench screeching. I've worked on this over a week and still cannot solve the problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've attached a video of the problem.
hi daniel
i made tree bioloids they have 12 volt also.bioloid use a special program for the servo's only. its calt the manager,there you can set all info like volt,temp,wheel or angle. i cant see your video here.did you messure if you really have 12 volts on the servo while turning. i am newbie so i hope to learn much here .screeching sounds like too many volts.
Hi Nomad
The external battery is 12 volts. I'm getting no turning at all. I think the servo may be locked. I wanted to see if others had opinions before I opened it up. I just reloaded the video.
Ok. Just confirmed the servo is seized up. I can't get any motion by hand. Going to open it up.
@mulberry , I checked all the GWS brand servos I could find and they were not rated for use at 12 volts. 4.8 and 6 volts were typical with a winch version rated HV which is 7.2v , at 12 volts it may have popped something or causing overtemp which may be reseting the controller or jittering. Depending on the gearing you may not be able to turn it by hand without stripping the gears. Try using lower reasonable voltages to test your servos. GWS in general is not of the same quality as JR, futuba and hitec that are more common.
Yep. Gears are broken. Problem Resolved. Thanks J. I had intended to use a voltage regulator but totally forgot. And the darned thing is setting not 8 inches away. Lesson learned.
same here good video