— Edited
Is there a plan to provide updated tutorials for the new EZ interface? The current videos are for a previous version from my board and I'm having a very difficult time figuring what should be very, very basic steps.
The controls options are pretty much unchanged between the version used for the videos and the current version. What controls are you struggling with?
Thanks Rich. Here is a great example. I'm trying to install a vertical servo. I've gotten as far as designating ports however I can't figure out how to control positioning. The current tutorial shows a different interface than mine and I've spent ages trying to find either this control (see image) or I suppose what is the updated control. The challenge is I can easily follow all the posted tutorials however they bear very little relation to the current interface (icon based). Another great example is servo calibration. I easily spent hours poking around until I finally found it.
Its getting rather frustrating.
The newer control is pretty much the same but doesn't have the slider bar, just click and drag in the box with the servo position and move up or down to suit, as indicated by the arrow in the upper left of the box.
When you click in the box it turns green to indicate that you can move the position.
Config is replaced by the gear/cog icon.
The differences are minimal really and all controls use the same icon for configuration. It's not really that much different is it?
No it's not that much different once the changes are pointed out. The frustrating part is that it requires detective work for each step. One of the reasons I chose EZ was the simplicity of the system in the tutorials. This is like trying to learn Windows 8 using instructions from Windows 7. Yes they are similar but still different enough to slow things down substantially. I'm having to rely heavily on outside help for nearly everything. Experienced users learned the system with instructions that matched what they were using so when the new interface was released they had a foundation to go on. Newcomers like myself are floundering. We desperately need updated instructions.
Thanks for your feedback @Daniel. As you know, we are always advancing our software. And due to the recent changes of the software, the tutorial videos are a little dated - but not overly different. It has not been an issue with people locating Controls within the Categories. For example, finding the Horizontal servo control is still within the servo Control category.
For future reference, every control has a ? next to the X Close button. When you load ARC, there is an animated window asking if you wish to view the tutorials - beside the animated window is another introducing you to the ? button.
The first tutorial for (BoxBot) demonstrates how to use ARC. It also demonstrates how to press the button labeled "Add Control". Please watch the tutorial videos. I highly recommend (and so does ARC) that you watch the BoxBot tutorial videos.
Within the "Add Control" popup menu, there are labels. The label "Servo" hosts all the controls for servos. For example, if you are looking to control a servo...
Note The location of the "Add Control" button has changed from a drop-down menu to a popup menu. This has been made evident by watching the Tutorial Videos as prompted when ARC is loaded. Once you follow the recommended tutorial videos (of BoxBot), you will become familiar with the new location of the Add Control button. From there, every control will have the same spelling of the name. For example, all servo controls are located within the servo control section.
The Settings of many controls will change from the videos throughout releases. This is because EZ-Robot adds new features to the software every week or two. As you can imagine, creating 200 new tutorial videos for every feature per week is impossible. So, we use this community forum to help us. If you have a question about locating a control from within the categories, please ask and someone will help you. The community forum is an awesome place to learn and receive help from knowledgeable people, such as Rich and many others.
If you are asking for updated tutorial videos as an overnight fix, that unfortunately cannot happen due to the time it takes to film and edit a tutorial video. Instead, use the community forum to ask questions. Many people here will be able to help, including myself
Welcome to EZ-Robot and I hope I was able to help you
Issue resolved.