Robot builder. A.I. programmer and speaker. Author. Father of one girl, and many, many robots! and 1. Founder and current president of the Riverside Robotics Society. The RRS is a club with over 500 online members and over 50 local members offering classes, contests, and lectures in robotics. 2. Founder of the Riverside Robot Expo Event. 3. Riverside Robot Expo event coordinator for six years. 4. Writer for the number one robotics hobbyist magazine Servo Magazine. 5. Board member and past club officer of the Robotics Society of Southern California 6. Member of the Tech Room robotics club in San Bernardino 7. Robotics teacher and lecturer for over 9 years (private lessons) 8. Founder of 9. Creator of the life-like humanoid robot, Simone the A.I. Fembot. 10. Ex-employee of Nolan Bushnell’s Androbot robotics company. 11. Provider of animatronic software and hardware for the film industry. 12. A.I. lecture for Claremont Lincoln University, Claremont, CA. 13. CEO Space graduate. 14. Programmer for American Honda Motors. 15. A.I. “chatbot” programmer. 16. Alexa (Amazon Echo) programmer. 17. 5000+ Facebook followers and friends, Thomas (AKA “Riv Artoo”). Past speaking engagements include: Claremont Lincoln University, Riverside Robotics Society, Robotics Society of Southern California, Riverside Robot Expo, OC Mini Maker Faire, Star Wars Reads Day, and the Boy Scouts of America.
2012-04-20 - joined Synthiam
2012-04-20 - joined your first forum discussion
2012-04-20 - created first new question
2012-10-28 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-10-09 - connected ARC to the cloud
2017-12-11 - shared your first video in the forum
2017-12-11 - shared your first photo in the forum
2018-03-28 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-03-28 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
2018-03-28 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2018-03-28 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-03-30 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2021-04-29 - posted your first tutorial
2021-11-30 - created a public ARC App
2022-01-15 - purchased first robot swag
2022-02-19 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2022-02-19 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
2022-07-13 - answered a forum question
2022-07-28 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
Latest submissions

My Computer Has Trouble With Windows 11
Hello, On my Windows 11 machine I cannot get anything but the EZ-Robot camera to work. Any other cameras that I plug into the computer are...
Skill Or Plug-In? (HELP!)
Hello, I am attempting to share my Simone ARC project in Servo Magazine. I am sure that most of my readers will try the Teams version of ARC before purchasing a license....
How Do I Hook Up The EZ-B To A Second Wifi (An Added Dongle) In Windows 11?
How do I hook up the EZ-B to a second WiFi (an added dongle) in...
Please Fix This Feature : 19 Skills Instead Of 20
Hello, The ARC Teams edition is supposed to allow 20 skills. I have found that it allows no more than 19 and truncates...
OTHER: Using ARC Without Internet Access?
If I am out demonstrating my robot and there is bad internet service or even no internet service, how would I run ARC? Does ARC REQUIRE...
What Is The Difference Between Pauselistening And Stoplistening
I have been using these two commands together, one following the other in my scripts. So far...
How To Duplicate Robot Skills?
How can I duplicate skills, especially scripts so that I can easily reuse my code? Unfortunately, as is, This requires me to open the script editor for a...
This ARC Build Has Expired Error
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Darknet / Yolo Real-Time Object Detection
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Tmesserschmidts Meet Melvis: My Ultra Humanoid Robot
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Betty9 AI With Basic Motion
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Betty9 Christmas Songs
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Simone AI Robot - Public Release1.12
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Verbal Intelligence Group Demo
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Simone AI Robot - Puppet Mode V 01,05
Simone is a Life-size humanoid fembot. She is part of #OpenFembot. Build instructions on Servo Magazine. She was inspired by Hansons Sophia robot....
Get Me A Beer - Dynamixel
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Dynamixel Arm
Animated Dynamixel Arm with Voice Control Demo.Uses EZ-B4 directly plugged in. It responds to 4 voice commands. Just a demo really to make sure it is working before I expand upon it.
Big Foot II - Human-Size Bipedal Walking Robot
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Simone AI Robot 0.17
Simone: Life-size humanoid fembot. Part of #OpenFembot. Fully Articultated head. Each arm has two degrees of freedom. Build instructions on Servo Magazine. Inspired by Hansons...
Custom Pandorabots AI
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Add A Snap To Grid To The Workspaces
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