Simone AI (OpenFembot)



First Simone Article has been published in servo Magazine!

We made the cover!

Simone an AI robot is part of the openFembot project is an opensource fembot humanoid robot. The robot's physical body is complete. The software is right behind it. ARC makes coding Simone very easy. (Thanks DJ!) Starting in March (End of February for the online version) servo Magazine is now publishing a series of articles of mine on building the robot. The first article is an introduction to the platform. The second will be on creating the rolling platform. Team Simone consists of a dedicated group of 12 roboticists from the greater Los Angeles area.

The video: OpenFembot - Simone - Introduction

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By — Last update


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Very ambitious . Nice plan and presentation. I hope you achieve great results and share them with us. If so I can't wait to see how she turns out.


Thanks guys. She's moving along in the right direction. The second article has been published and I am working on the third. All of her servomotors have been put in place and are working. Most of her ARC code is in place. My biggest two problems now are 1. animating her so that she move more life-like and 2. her AIML/ AP (artificial personality). Though I feel that her life-like movements can surely be completed in a short while, her AP might take more than a year.

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Simone Update: The third article in servo Magazine has been published. The fourth has been submitted. This will probably go into about 6 articles for the hardware and 2-4 more articles on the software.

She is 100% mechanically and electronically complete. Most of the software is complete. There is still a lot of work to be done in the chatbot. It is still rather buggy. That's what happens when your AI scope includes an artificial personality!


ALL TESTERS WILL BE ON THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTERS which is published in the articles!

Also, Servo Magazine said they will PUBLISH A BOOK based on the articles after all of the articles go to print sometime mid 2022.

--Thomas Messerschmidt thomasfromla -at- g mail d0t c0m



Hi Thomas.  I'll be a tester if you can find videos or a manual on how to use the AimlBot Skill.  You have my email address.



Wow that's really impressive Thomas! Super proud to watch your project grow. It's an impressive.. i mean, she's an impressive robot!

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Thanks DJ. Can she call you "Uncle DJ" since your DNA is in her blood?xD


HAHA that's hilarious. Who would have thought a robot could have an uncle. I like it! LOL



"Building an AI Fembot" will be made into a book later this year!

I was told by the publishers of servo Magazine that they will be turing the article series (so far 3 articles have been published and 7 more will follow) into a book! First an article, then a series of articles, then a book. What's next? A TV show?

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WOW!   Very impressive Thomas.  Can't wait to see her in action. I ordered the servo magazine but have not received any yet.



That's really cool - good to see your project is getting the recognition it deserves!


If work isn't fun, you're doing it wrong:D


It looks more like Dr Evil then a Fembot. LOL.

Just kidding. Once you put on the hair she'll look great. I am looking forward to seeing her in action. Will she have hidden guns in personal locations? LOL.


Ha! You are funny!  Next phase is created articulated hands.



WOW!  I just finished Part 8: Bring Simone to Life! of the Build Simone The AI Fembot in servo Magazine (issue-4.2022)

(It's weird the current servo Magazine issues are back dated but I seem to recall it was related to covid)

Outstanding article Thomas!  Really fantastic detail and directions covering 14 pages!!!  It has been a long, long time since I've seen such a well-documented project in any such magazine.  Well done!!!

Did you mention at one time you were going to write a book on building the Fembot and other androids?



Thank you Justin! It's been a long journey. There will be 10 articles in total. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me here.

Yes, the book is still planned. I am just waiting on the folks at servo to catch up. Probably by summer.

Also, (again, once servo catches up on their issues) I'll be a regular columnist there. I will have a column on A.I.--the latest news, how-tos, code and projects. It's going to be a BLAST!


I had thought about hacking one of those errr ummm life size anatomically correct female dolls but I think the wife may have some concerns and our mail man has been known to spread rumours.


I want to build my own humanoid following most of Thomas's build process, but I'm not sure if I want to build a FemBot or maybe use a male mannequin as the robot body donor and perhaps make a Jeeves type butler or maybe Data from Star Trek TNG.