
I am neck deep in programming my "Simone" robot. I know that I can use multiple or nested if/elseif/then statements, but what would really make my life easier would be a "switch / case statement."
switch(expression) {
case constant-expression :
case constant-expression :
default :
By the way, what programming language was EZ Script based on?
Both JavaScript and python support that. This is a question not a request. It’s been changed
here’s a link to learn how to use a switch statement with JavaScript:
Just a little additional info, EZ Script is essentially based on VB Script, but as DJ pointed out, ARC also supports more advanced languages like Javascript and Python as well as Blocky, which is a drag and drop based on another language whose name currently escapes me.
So you are saying that I should move to Python. OK. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Python or JavaScript. I prefer JavaScript because python doesn’t seem visually esthetically pleasing to me. Either work and either are hundreds of times faster than ezscript