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Pydroid 3 Scripting Using Ezbv4 And Accessories Vs Arduino Micro Controllers
Repost due to either accidental deletion by me or error : So I know...question

Arc On Windows 10 Viva Vitualbox Or Wine App
Is it possible to run Arc on windows 10 in a virtual box running in linux ubuntu 18.04? I was wondering becuase i was thinkn of...question

Ez-B V4 Product Accessories For Use With Raspberry Pi 3/4 Or Arduino
Will ez robot accessories that connect to the ezb-v4 work on the i/o and other pins...question

Possible Use Of Synthiam Software And Ezb-4V2 On Personal Passenger Drone
This is a reformated question. I have seen the use of the ezb-v3 control a...question

In Search Of Omnibot 2000
Hi every im looking for a omnibot 2000 without remote or even radio command hard ware for the insides of the torso. Just need the complete robot body,complete head,...question

Plastic Welding With 3D Printer Pen
Just wondering has any one used a 3d printer pen as a plastic welder and is it any good vs epoxy or actual plastic welder. They say you can us actual...question

Ez- Script For Use With Older Binary Software
Hi every one it come to just last night, would it be possible to use the ez-script binary script code be able to be used with the...question

Ezb4 Used With Heavy Machinery?
Its sad that my omega never was completed nor was rollex but after considering starting all over again more on a heavy duty side, i just thought to ask the...question

Meccanoid 4Ft Tall Robot
so i was wondering if any one has seen and consider the use of turning the meccanoid 2.0xl 4ft robot from its factory controlled unit to ez-v4 version. it is a very simple...question

Chappie : Most Out Of This World Movie
Chappie is the all time greatest sci-fi movie Ive seen. Chappie and automata have shown me that nothing is impossible, it is only impossible if...question

Inmoov Is Alive Da Da Da
Ok so I watch the cams every once in awhile to see projects in the works and I just noticed that the inmoovs head has changed in direction and it was looking straight ahead...question

Flexible Manninque For Protocol Droids
I seen these two manninques a that I think would be perfect for creating a protocol droid here are some pictures of them and the links for them....question

Wiring Specification For Extensions
Does any one know how to add extension wire to the servo wire connector without cutting or modifing the black clip end and does any one know if the...question

Servo Horn Adapter Installation
So I hay my servo motors mounted in place so I can install the servo adapter horns but I dont have any idea what these rubber garments and brace garments are...question

Best New Robot Movie : Automata
I just got done watching this awsome 2014 movie about robots that oddly enough look very similar to the inmoove robot just with legs I would love to see a...question

How To Add Project Robots To Ez-Robots On Profile
i have been working on my omega project for about 2 1/2 months now and i have yet to figure out how to make a ez-robot...question

Webots Implement To ARC
Dear dj Im not sure if ARC has a 3d map genetator for programmable task because I havent got to use the ARC software, but if not i would like to know if webots software can...question

Custom Voice Modulator
Does any one knows what A.I. operating system that XLRobots.com uses. I am wanting to have an a.I that I can customize the voice modulator to any voice you choose. any ideas...question

Adjustable Step Down Voltage Regulator
Hi I was wondering what is the best digital voltmeter displayed adjustable step down voltage regulator to use with the ezb v4 when powered by...question

Happy Days
Awe yea gots me the ezb v4 developer kit now yay lol now all I need to do is get some batteries and my custom robot finished and put together and painted and then omega project stage one will be...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Linuxs New Desktop For Modification To Installation In To Next Robot
Hello everybody, just want to show case some things about my next project that is...robot

Linuxs Project Roll-X
I am glad to announce my next project after the omega project stage one is complete, introducing project Roll-X stage one. Roll-X stage one is a two split wheel balancing robot...robot

Linuxs Omega 2.0 Bipedal Stage Concept
Well I spent a little time and decisions on how I should make the look for omegas bipedal concept design and I came out with this, of course the...robot

Linuxs Project Omega Status
Its only been three monts since I started the omega project and it fells like it was only yesterday when I first started lol I took the tracks of a Rad. Bot 1.0 and...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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