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Best Programming Languages For Both Operating Systems And Software Learning

Hi every one, ive been doing a ton of research on programming and so far the only thing ive come up with to learn first is python,c,c++,c#,assembly,java,mathlab, lisp, and Pascal. But im unsure if i need to read these first or what i need to do in order to learn both programming for operation system scripting and software scripting for rewriting from scratch. Does any one know what i need to read from first to last books in order. Diy can be such a pain without any information lol


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You must have a need to learn all that stuff other then the quest for knowledge. Myself,I started using EZ Robot so I wouldn't have to learn all that stuff.

Just have fun. ;)


Lol, yea i love ez-robot and how easy it is to use. But i know one day, the projects i have built will have a fatelile error happen and there wont be any update for them to fix it and or the operating system used to build it will no longer be compatible with newer o.s and software. I really want to learn it so i can save the old software iso and o.s iso files on to paper. So i can boot them all from scratch and bring my creations back to life, plus if i do that and dont have internet kinda helps to lol



Myself,I started using EZ Robot so I wouldn't have to learn all that stuff.
+1 Dave

EZ-Robot ARC software runs on Microsoft Windows, Google Android, Apple iOS, is developed with C# (approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334)).

Using C# you can:

  1. Windows Create custom applications using .NET framework and EZ-Robot Windows SDK. Create ARC skill plugins (for Windows ARC)

  2. Windows IOT (Raspberry PI 2/3/3+ and few more) Create UWP application with UWP framework and EZ-Robot UWP SDK.

  3. Mobile iOS / Android Create custom xamarin application with Microsoft Xamarin framework and EZ-Robot Mono SDK.

  4. Linux Create console/service application with .NET mono and EZ-Robot Mono SDK. Create console/service applications with .NET core framework.

  5. MacOs Create custom xamarin application with Microsoft Xamarin framework and EZ-Robot Mono SDK. Create console/service applications with .NET core framework.

If you want learn a versatile language pick Python.

if you want learn a low level language to program micro-controllers pick C and learn some C++ concepts.

If you want learn a web language pick Javascript. There is an ARC skill plugin to run Javascript code.