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Member Since:


  • 2013-03-24 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-04-02 - created first new question
  • 2013-09-22 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-07-28 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-07-28 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-04 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-08-23 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2018-01-06 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2018-01-21 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-01-21 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees

Latest submissions

Dynamixel Trouble?

Dynamixel Trouble?

Hello, Ive just updated to ARC software. I am getting an error on startup regarding the dynamixels in my project. Is this plug-in working with the new ARC software? I looked and can...

Neo Pixel Control

Has there ever been a ez-robot neo pixel controller made yet? Yes I realize it can be done with an arduino especially with the canned program someone wrote for it to make rainbow colors. Id like to be able to control it myself via the ARC . Thanks guys Chris Jeremie is there a source for just that board? I can probably source all the parts locally...

It’S Great To See New Products

It’s great to see new products coming to market soon. Is there any update to the neo pixel blaster board? Thanks.


My project is doing some very weird things with the speech recognition. If I post my project this evening would anyone mind taking a peek at it? Thanks. Chris

Online Collaboration

Ive been thinking about this a bit lately... I think it would be kind of neat to set up a kind of programming collaboration through team view or some other. As I move forward with my build I sometimes find myself struggling with what to make it do next. There are a lot of great ideas I’ve seen on this forum and I’d be willing to share what I’ve...

Dynamixel Communication

Hello, I am slightly confused about which protocol is needed to run dynamixel servos. I purchased a few ax12 a servos for lower strength applications, but Im also interested in an mx 64 t or 64 r which appears to be either ttl or rs 485 protocols. Which protocol does port d5 on the ezb 4 use. I read some posts from old bit builder , he was using ax...

Script Help

Hey guys I need a bit of assistance with this tiny part of a script. IF ($Lelbowposition 68) And ($Relbowposition 1) I want this to be known as safe position So later in my larger script it will check arm safe position before moving forward. Can I just use an equals sign at the end of the statement and call it safe position Thanks Chris

This Script Used To Work

Not sure what happened here. This tiny fun script used to work and now it does not. Anyone interested in taking a look at this. IF ($month = 4 And $day =16) sayezb(happy birthday christian) sleep(1500) ElseIf ($month = 4 And $day = 17) sayezb(happy birthday natalie) sleep(1500) ElseIf($month = 6 And $day = 12) sayezb(happy birthday grace)...
2 Scripts, Say Time, Say Date Not Working

2 Scripts, Say Time, Say Date Not Working

I found these two scripts in the online section of ez robot script examples. Neither of them are working, not sure why.. Could someone...

New To 3D Printing Question About Print Layout

Hey all Im new to 3d printing. I bought a cheap printer clone (prusa i3). It actually prints surprisingly well for most small prints. I asked a couple days ago about printing out a full 6 hexapod and downloaded the files from thingiverse. I am using cura 15.04 which I believe is the newest cura software. My question is , can I change the...

Pixel Blaster

Any ideas on when the new neo pixel blaster will be released? Thanks. Chris
Script Done Command

Script Done Command

Hey again everyone. Happy New Year! New question... without using sleep commands is there a way to start another script when another finishes? Reasoning for this is.. Id like to...

2 Servo Speeds, Same Servo, Same Script

OK guys new question... Is it possible to have the same servo perform 2 different speeds in the same script, yes dynamixels. I need to run the arm up command just lower than full speed (8). However when arm is going down with it having its own weight it really races to the ground. I tried to set servo speed before each movement up/down but it did...

Printing Out A Complete Six

Is it possible to print out a complete six robot. I guess I mean is there a complete set of stl files to do so? Thanks. Chris
Script Help Needed

Script Help Needed

I am having a little bit of trouble with this script. Everything works until I get to the if statement at the left and right sensor. So what it is supposed to do is not allow movement...

Pixel Blaster

Any idea when the pixel blaster will be available?


I recently put my ezb in client mode. I gave the router its MAC address so it assigns the same ip every time. However after doing this I never tried the camera. Today in doing so I find the camera not working. Do I need to give it an address also? Thanks Chris

Dynamixel Mx-64T

Need help again with dynamixel servos! I was finally able to get all of my ax12a servos working. Now onto my elbow joints which use the mx-64t dynamixel servo which is ttl just like the ax12a. According to all information I find the servos can be wired together on the same bus. However I cannot communicate with it at all thru ARC. I have a feeling...

Ax12 Led On/Off Command In Ez Script

Hello, I set up one of my dynamixels tonight, used the plug in, wrote scripting to exercise this servo. All works fine. In EZ script there is an instruction AX12Led(port,on) and AX12Led(port,off). I cant make either of these work. Using the plug in I can turn the LED on the servo on and off. Is there a way via scripting to do this. During startup I...

Camera No Longer Works

Recently purchased one of the newer cameras, less than a month old. The camera for some reason no longer works, it gets super super hot, the heat sink has come unglued from the chip and the lense has come loose as well hanging by the ribbon cable. The light no longer comes on either. I can post the debug information if needed but at this point when...

Possible Feature Or Script Help

In EZ builder there is a pause option box for the personality generator and speech recognition. I am wondering if a future update could include a pause option in the movement panel as well. What I am looking to do is when the robot boots up I would like the movement panel to be paused (init script). I would like it to remain in pause until voice...

Ordering A New Ezb

Hello, need to order another ezb4 controller. If I order this today does it come with the new comm board or is this still a future upgrade? Thanks Chris
New Camera

New Camera

Does anyone have any pics of the new camera out of its plastic case? I do not use the plastic case on my old camera and had some custom machined mounting made for it. I read somewhere that the new...

Can Someone Help Part 2?

What I want the robot to do is move forward 3 seconds as long as nothing is detected in its path using adc5 or adc6, ir sensors. Sensors work fine. Have tried several iterations of scripting. No matter what I try the sensors do see above 60 but the robot never stops. Posting my scripts. Check distance script with forward movement :MonitorDistances...

Can Someone Tell Me Whats Wrong With Script

Can someone look at this script and tell me what is missing? Ive tried several elseif, endif, combinations and can not make work? Thanks :MonitorDistances $leftsensor = getadc(adc5) $topsensor = getadc(adc7) $rightsensor = getadc(adc6) if ($leftsensor 60) ControlCommand(Script Manager , ScriptStop, forward_3_Seconds) ElseIf goto(MonitorDistances)


Anyone used Neopixels yet? More precisely the Neopixels rings. Anyone have any script examples if so? Thanks. Chris


Jeremie could you tell me what the component was directly under the yellow poly fuse? For some reason cant post a pic?

Maker Bot Replicator2 X

I have an opportunity to obtain an makerbot 3d printer. I have zero experience with any type of 3d printing whatsoever. Does this tool come with software to design the piece or does it require a program like autocad 3d or solidworks to design and then convert to machine code? Thanks for any help! Chris

Script Help, Doing More Than One Thing At Once

Hey everyone, Project has 3 Hbridges (robo claw). All controlled serially example... Sendserial(d0,38400,125)# lft track forward 1 sec sleep(1000) What I would like to do is while moving forward I would like its body controlled H-bridge to start moving body up so that full body extend will be in process before machine reaches kitchen. Ive tried...

Windows Cortana

Any chance of linking ARC with windows cortana, rather than Pandora bots. Seems a ton better than siri. Not sure its even possible. Thanks Chris

Toymaker Id Like To Talk To You

Hey Toymaker if you get a chance would you send me an email? Thanks Chris
Mobile App And Movement Panel(S)

Mobile App And Movement Panel(S)

So I have built a mobile app that works great. I have a custom movement panel set up in EZ builder that controls my robo claw h-bridgefor movement of its...

Techguru Give Me A Shout Please

Alan if you get a moment would you contact me by email off of the forum. Thanks! Chris

Help With Script Again

Very simple logic, just dont know the commands in ARC... Just added a maxbotics analog distance sensor. It works in ARC. What I would like is when the distance is equal to or less than 50 speak out the ezb. I set up an analog port and Im trying to use the adc wait command, from there? Thanks Chris

So You Guys Have Been On Fire With My Questions So

I have another one..... I would like to be able to turn robot on, turn computer on and thats it. In other words I would like the computer to boot up, start its scan for the ezb, connect and be awaiting further commands. Possible? In the future I will be opening up the router and assigining MAC address simplifying this task somewhat.

Interaction Between Vocal Command And Running Script?

Is it possible to interact vocal commands into a running script? For example..... My robot at this point is only a lower half using serial commands for movement via script. The way it works is via timing that I have set up using the sleep command. However for whatever reason the robot does not always track the same way every time. This causes the...
Do Pins Question

Do Pins Question

I read Richs tutorial regarding the l298 h bridge which is prompting this question. There was a spin off link that Rich directed me too that actually showed a bit of code to control a...

Do Pins Arent Working

Try to make this as simple as possible. None of my DO pins are working. They all stay on (12vdc) They never shut off. I used the digital port in ARC and assigned the port and many others to test. None of them shut off. Im measuring between red and black by the way. Thanks Chris

Script Command To Play Music Out Ezb4 Speaker Rather Than Pc

So I went through the list of commands in Ez scrip and I must say I am having a lot of fun. I am asking the robot what his favorite song is and he answers, relatively crudely due to my coding with lots of sleeps. Anyways I cant find a command to play music mp3 file to ezb4 speaker? I can only find command to play through pc speaker. Is there a...

Robo Claw 2X60, Ezb 4, Speech Recognition?

I have a robo claw 2x 60 motor controller. I have ezb4 connected via DO and D1. I am connected to the EZB4 with my computer as I can send sound files to it and it plays out the EZB4. I have assigned ports DO to left motor and D1 to right motor. I cannot make the motors do anything. I have previously used this controller with a RC receiver and it...

Another Question Piqued By Another Post.

I recently read a post regarding slowing down 12 volt motors. The servos I am using are powered via 12vdc - they are super heavy duty. Im using them for neck pan and tilt. Now for the 2 part question... Using my built in webcam on my laptop I am trying to track my face and have the servos move accordingly. Is this possible? I ask because the servos...
2 Unrelated Questions.

2 Unrelated Questions.

First I have torxis/invenscience 12vdc servos. They are powered via 12vdc and at full load draw approximately 5 amps. So first question is how much current can the new ezb4 put...
Neck Pan And Tilt Servo Selection

Neck Pan And Tilt Servo Selection

Super High Torque RC Servo with 1600 ozin at 12 VDC, 60 degrees in 1000 ms, (3200 oz-in, 22.6 N-m peak). RC PWM input signal, closed loop position...

C ++ Programming

So I have zero experience in C++ programming. I see on Dave Shinsels website maker of the robot LOKI, that he offers his source code for his arduino based I/o control. Can this code be directly used for the ezb4 and just modified for whatever is used or unused on my particular project? Thanks Chris

Ezb 4 And Pulse Out For A Chopper Drive

So Im wondering if the ezb4 will have a command for pulse output. I need 5vdc pulses to the tune of some 20,000 pulses. Less pulses , less travel. More pulses ,more travel. Im not concerned about resolution. Or would I need to write a script and loop the script the required amount of times for the required amount of travel. Will the EZB 4 put out...
Anybody Available To Do A Join Me And Help With Ez Face?

Anybody Available To Do A Join Me And Help With Ez Face?

I cant seem to grasp the concept of making this work. I have gone through the instructions many times now...

Stepper Motors

Can anyone answer if the EZB 4 will be capable of running a stepper motor? Will it require a separate motor controller? Thanks in advance. Chris

Ezb 4 Wifi Connectivity

So my plans for my robot consist of 3 EZB 4 controllers. 1 will be mounted in the head, 1 at the lower drivetrain level, and 1 inside the all aluminum body. Eventually I will have a mini itx computer onboard this machine. My question is will the wifi signal penetrate the aluminum body? If not will there be a usb adapter instead of wifi that could...

Servo Wires?

Im sure in the past I have read here where a good source of servo wires are sourced from here in the US. The wires Im referring to are the ones that connect a rc transmitters receiver to a speed controller of some sort. In order to start moving forward I would like to connect my rc receiver to my pololu 2x30 robo claw h bridge. I believe I need...

Linear Actuator

Im looking for a linear actuator that has 8-12 inches of travel. All the ones I am currently finding have through pin hole ends on both sides of the actuator. Does anyone make one with a square flange with four perimeter bolts on the motor end and just plain old threads at the end of the movable shaft. Tried googling also and couldnt find anything....

May Have Missed This.

Is ARC now supporting microsoft kinect? Thanks Chris

Uart Port On Ezb4

Will the new EZB4 with UART control/work with dynamixel servos? Thanks Chris
Servo/Robot Magazine

Servo/Robot Magazine

How come I never see anything regarding EZ- robot in either of these 2 magazines? Servo or Robot magazine. They seem to cater to the arduino crowd. Just wondering? Chris

Possible Dumb Question?

So I read this forum everyday and see all of the new features that are soon to come out... ie kinect. I am currently building my robot (big robot) and I cant help but review a lot of sensors here that have been used by others and maybe even myself. For example ping (radar) and sharp IR. So the real question is will the kinect perform all the...

New Here Dumb Question?

Been reading these posts for a couple of weeks now. Ive finally decided to jump in with both feet and make a robot. I ordered and received my snowblower track kit, 2 wheelchair motors, 2 usb webcams, and a mini itx computer with intel atom processor. I keep reading about the revolution. I plan to use an EZ-B board that I will purchase as the entire...
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