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Servo Wires?

I'm sure in the past I have read here where a good source of "servo" wires are sourced from here in the US. The wires I'm referring to are the ones that connect a rc transmitters receiver to a speed controller of some sort. In order to start moving forward I would like to connect my rc receiver to my pololu 2x30 robo claw h bridge. I believe I need both ends to be female. Thanks for any help. Chris


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#2 has hitec branded wire. You can buy it in 50 ft rolls

United Kingdom

I just get big batches from China on eBay (but make sure it is a good source by checking feedback, there is some real crap on ebay), cut off the end I don't want, solder two together and make good with some heat shrink, the cables are then pretty much the length I need them (provided the total length doesn't need to be over 2ft long).