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New Here Dumb Question?

Been reading these posts for a couple of weeks now. I've finally decided to jump in with both feet and make a robot. I ordered and received my snowblower track kit, 2 wheelchair motors, 2 usb webcams, and a mini itx computer with intel atom processor. I keep reading about the "revolution". I plan to use an EZ-B board that I will purchase as the entire kit. I already have the software downloaded and am extremely impressed with it. Anyhow back to the question.... "revolution"? Is there going to be some kind of new EZ-B? Is it a software update? The only reason I ask is obviously if there is a newer designed PCB that is going to do more I will wait for that. Thanks guys I will post pics as progress becomes well.... progress.



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United Kingdom

While nothing has officially been announced DJ has "let slip" a number of times.

The Mini EZ-B has been mentioned. Give the forum a search there is a topic about it from sometime last week. I believe a very rough date has been mentioned (late April early May - check I'm not 100% sure)

Software has also been mentioned, but I would assume it's either backwards compatible, or a major update of the current software (ARC is updated very often anyway and only a couple of times has it meant changes to project files). New firmware has also been mentioned so I assume new features are afoot.

It all depends on if you want to wait and see what the revolution is or if you want to get cracking with the build. If you don't wait I can assure you that you won't be disappointed, I'll personally buy your EZ-B from you if you are:)

P.S. There are no dumb questions:) But be a little more descriptive in the subject to attract more people commenting.

Have fun and welcome!