Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Dunning-Kruger!

Another Question Piqued By Another Post.

I recently read a post regarding slowing down 12 volt motors. The servos I am using are powered via 12vdc - they are super heavy duty. I'm using them for neck pan and tilt. Now for the 2 part question... Using my built in webcam on my laptop I am trying to track my face and have the servos move accordingly. Is this possible? I ask because the servos just kind of go bonkers and do what they want. I was going to wait until I had the actual ezb camera in hand before posting but...

Part 2.... So again is there a way to slow these servos down? I adjusted frame rate to max and to min trying to slow the reaction down to no avail. These servos get power and signal directly from EZB4 and the EZB4 is powered via 26amp hour gel battery. Again I was going to wait till I had the camera but my interest was piqued by the other post.


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One method is to use the ServoSpeed () command in ARC.... It would help if you had the ezb camera attached to the servos in a pan and tilt setup... it would probably bring them under control


Dude your on fire! Wow thanks. So is that a script command? And now your answer requires another question..... Is there a way to include limits to the servo travel?


Can't take the credit.... Actually, what I know came from guys like Rich, Techguru (Alan), Robot Doc and DJ himself...:) Trying to give back here... But I'll take the thanks all the same....

You'll get everything working, just stick with it...



Also, the amount of distance the servos move at a time can be specified in the config menu of the camera control.

It is very important to hover your mouse over the blue question marks to read what the settings do. I cannot stress enough that hovering over the question marks will save you a lot of time:)

We our a lot of effort into ensuring the software is well documented. I think it's easy to overlook the documented features in our software because people aren't used to it in other programs:)


Yes I adjusted that slider both ways. Min and Max framerates. It did not help. I was thinking these servos are just to fast.


sorry - tracking speed is what it is called and during movement it says framerate.


@DJ- I think you're on to something there. I've seen you have to make similar posts pretty often lately. I for one, am used to going to the book, or the documentation pages, or what have you.

Usually when you click on a "?", it just takes you to a place to search and even then it may not have the info you're looking for. It's kind of different for each little piece of the software to have it's own little page like it does in ARC. I don't think people realize its there or that it is as useful as it is because they just expect to get the same "?" routine so they don't click it.

Maybe you could find a way to make them stand out a little more. Because they are incredibly handy but easily overlooked. I just opened ARC and I had to look for them. . I know where they are.;) Maybe reverse the highlight/hover state? Have the boxes Red (X) and Blue (?) and have them darken or brighten when they're highlighted.

Just my $.02. Invest it how you see fit.:)


I don't want to sound rude but I tried that slider. I called it framerate instead of tracking speed. I did click on the blue question mark and it led me to try that. It did not solve the issue. I called it framerate because when you move the slider it says framerate with a number. I believe highest number I saw was 13 frames. Are the 12 vdc servos to fast for this control? Thanks


Hi @Kamaroman68

To adjust your servo speed you don't have to call a script if you don't want to, in the "Add Control" window you can go to "Servo" tab and then add the "Servo Speed" control. You will then have to configure it for the servo port you are using and you can then adjust the servo you are using from normal speed (0) to painfully slow (20)

So yes, you can slow your servos right down if you'd like.


Thank you everyone. The final question to this post is, is there a way to limit the servos travel? Look left 90 degrees max, center, look right 90 degrees max. Thanks again


90deg left and 90deg right is actually full range for most servos... to achieve this set min to 1 and max to 180 in any servo control.... 90 is centre. So if you enter 45 as the min and 135 as the max the servo will no only have an approx sweeping left and right range of about 45degs....


Thanks everyone. Richard R you kick A$$ Chris