Herr Ball
Country: USA
Member Since:
Retired FireFighter ... Going back to school and learning electronics ... One of those things you say to yourself, wish I did that when I was young! ............ Email : Old-FireFighter138@neo.rr.com
2012-05-29 - joined Synthiam
2012-07-03 - created first new question
2013-09-03 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-09-08 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-10-16 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-01-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
2016-02-04 - answered a forum question
2023-02-10 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2024-01-06 - started first conversation
2024-03-01 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2024-03-01 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
2024-04-03 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
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Making A Arc Tutorial
I am thinking about making a tutorial for Arc. Please show me a link to the start page?question

@DJ My question pertains to UART communication. Hopefully I can explain this ... lol? ASCII UARTWrite(0,0,49) in decimal form is = 1 UARTWrite(0,0,50) in decimal form is = 2...question

Kangaroo / Sabertooth Help
0I have been working on this for 4 days in this cave. This question is for anyone that uses: EZBv4 Kangaroo Sabertooth (2x25) combo Uart0 2 DC motors w/Encoders...question

Python Program Language
Yo DJ I believe that the new Arc can be programed in Python? In doing some research, to try and learn a little, I found out that it comes now in two versions (2 3) which are...question

3D Printer . Is It Good Or Bad ?
Less then $200.00. Im sure its not that great but do you think it can print a good table top Inmoov head?...question

Serial Terminal Ezb
Two questions here. This information below is coming from a Arduino, that is running 3 ultrasonic sensors. (1.) In the picture below, what are the numbers and letters for that appear...question

Recognized . Is That What They Say Now?
I often take my grandsons to the movies as a way to do things with grandpa, as it lets me just sit on my butt and get a rest from playing with...question

Dimension Engineering Experience
Just thought I would tell everyone about a great experience I had yesterday. I have been keeping up with all the treads about Dimension Engineerings...question

Robot Eyes
Was doing a little web surfing a couple of weeks ago and ran into some pretty cool robot eyes. I ordered two 8x8 LEDs and with my Arduino, programmed the chip to run them. Once the eyes are...question

Ezb Camera And Case Trouble
Having a little trouble with fitting my EZB camera into case. As you can see in the pic below ( sorry its the best shot I could get), the camera will not go any...question

Http Server
Is it possible to change or update a script through the HTTP Server? I can control the software but unable to make changes to any scripts. Thanks ... Herrquestion

Sabertooth Motor Controller Dip Switches
Hey all I am attempting to hook up my Sabertooth 2x25 but am a little confused here. Have read two different places here how to connect?...question

Welding Plastic ?
Ran into this on You Tube and thought others might like to see it. I never new you could really weld plastic. The video is a little long but at the end she shows how really strong the...question

Continuous Rotating Servos
Hello all Anyone have any idea the amount of weight the continuous servos sold on this site can move around easily? Thanks ... HerrNo robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.
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