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Herr Ball

Country: USA
Member Since:

Retired FireFighter ... Going back to school and learning electronics ... One of those things you say to yourself, wish I did that when I was young! ............ Email :


  • 2012-05-29 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-07-03 - created first new question
  • 2013-09-03 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-09-08 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-10-16 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-01-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-02-04 - answered a forum question
  • 2023-02-10 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2024-01-06 - started first conversation
  • 2024-03-01 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2024-03-01 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2024-04-03 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions


Bing Speech Recognition

@Athena I have a question regarding the Bing Speech Recognition skill in Synthiam ARC. Could you please explain the difference between the Pause and StopListening commands?
Making A Arc Tutorial

Making A Arc Tutorial

I am thinking about making a tutorial for Arc. Please show me a link to the start page?


@DJ My question pertains to UART communication. Hopefully I can explain this ... lol? ASCII UARTWrite(0,0,49) in decimal form is = 1 UARTWrite(0,0,50) in decimal form is = 2...

Lidar Compatibility

@DJ Hate to put you on the spot, asking if this lidar WILL work with Arc but can you give me your best opinion? Looking at the pics, it says Hitachi-LG LDS. Being that it is only $17.31 shipped it might be time to go with a Lidar! ...Link... They also sell a Slamtec RPLidar-A1 for $99.00. MMMMM which one do I want to go with? lol ...Link... Thanks...
Kangaroo / Sabertooth Help

Kangaroo / Sabertooth Help

0I have been working on this for 4 days in this cave. This question is for anyone that uses: EZBv4 Kangaroo Sabertooth (2x25) combo Uart0 2 DC motors w/Encoders...

Weather RSS Through Iotiny Speaker

How do I get this to come out of the IoTiny speaker? SpeakRSS(, 1) I tried SayEZB several different ways but no luck. EZ Script please Thanks

Connecting A Iotiny/PCA9685 Together?

Was wondering if anyone has connected a PCA9685 to a ioTiny? I am building a robot head for my grandson. Have a extra ioTiny and PCA9685 lying around here and would like to use them. The head has 13 servos, the ioTiny 8 ports, not going to workie! Was hoping I could connect them together for enough ports! I dont want to spend too much on this as I...

Servo Replacement Gears

I have a new (older) servo, one of the original EZ-Robot S08NF STD Servo that has bad gears in it. Dont believe that these where especially made for EZ Robot, so what company/model number are they? Thanks
Python Program Language

Python Program Language

Yo DJ I believe that the new Arc can be programed in Python? In doing some research, to try and learn a little, I found out that it comes now in two versions (2 3) which are...


Ok, Im stumped. I have tried to do this myself for 3 days, time for help. Is there any reason why a script that works in Windows 7 not work on Windows 10? Below is a script (Credit to Luis Vazquez who wrote this years back, I only added to it) that I can not get to run on my new Windows 10 computer. It is the exact same script on both machines. I...
3D Printer . Is It Good Or Bad ?

3D Printer . Is It Good Or Bad ?

Less then $200.00. Im sure its not that great but do you think it can print a good table top Inmoov head?...

Saying A Variable From The Variable Watcher

Ok I am running one of those other boards and sending a variable to EZB and into the variable watcher. This is a room temperature reading. The variable name is $Temp. I want to have EZB tell me the variable value at the time I ask for it. (Example: It is 74 degrees in the room at the time of the reading.) I have tried ... SayWait(The temperature is...
Serial Terminal Ezb

Serial Terminal Ezb

Two questions here. This information below is coming from a Arduino, that is running 3 ultrasonic sensors. (1.) In the picture below, what are the numbers and letters for that appear...
Recognized . Is That What They Say Now?

Recognized . Is That What They Say Now?

I often take my grandsons to the movies as a way to do things with grandpa, as it lets me just sit on my butt and get a rest from playing with...
Dimension Engineering Experience

Dimension Engineering Experience

Just thought I would tell everyone about a great experience I had yesterday. I have been keeping up with all the treads about Dimension Engineerings...

Arduino To Ezbv4 Code

Hello All Was wondering if anyone out there could post for me some code that will send info from a Arduino to the EZB. I know how to send serial commands from the EZB to the Arduino but not the other way around. Have a project that I would like to tackle as much as I can on my own but cant get this part figured out? Thought that by looking at some...
Robot Eyes

Robot Eyes

Was doing a little web surfing a couple of weeks ago and ran into some pretty cool robot eyes. I ordered two 8x8 LEDs and with my Arduino, programmed the chip to run them. Once the eyes are...
Ezb Camera And Case Trouble

Ezb Camera And Case Trouble

Having a little trouble with fitting my EZB camera into case. As you can see in the pic below ( sorry its the best shot I could get), the camera will not go any...

Dj Moonlighting

Is that DJ moonlighting as a janitor and mopping the front office floors? You know what they say ... a great boss would never ask you to do something that he wouldnt do himself! I think he missed a spot though ...

Ezb V.4 Specs

Since the EZB is now starting to ship to some of us could we get a few specs. Things like. How many volts for input. I thought I read that there is not a regulator on it so what you put in is what you get out? Is that true? What would the best input voltage be, I assume 5 volts for the servos? How many amps does it put out safely? Any info would be...

Cheap Six

Came over this while surfing ... not bad really for someone just starting out or on a small budget.

C++ Programming Help

Need some help with a little programming problem. Have given it my best shot but just cant seem to figure it out! My basic logic class is not enough for me and Google just got me lost TOO many times... LOL. This program will be in a microcontroller that controls two 8x8(64) LED matrix for my robot eyes. The EZB will send it the serial commands to...

I2c Help

Dont really want the answer of how to do this, YET ... LOL. Would like to pull my hair out a little first. I just wish to know by anyone is it possible to have EZB call a subroutine inside a script? Ex: Richs BlinkM Script Would it be possible to write several subroutines and then call anyone of them when needed? Ex: Subroutine Red LED blink 3...

Ultrasonic Ir Sensors

I have noticed some builders place the Ultrasonic IR Senors on servos and some dont. I am just about ready to add both (1 ultrasonic 2 IR) to my bot and would like to know the pros and cons of each way. Thanks in advance ... Herr
Http Server

Http Server

Is it possible to change or update a script through the HTTP Server? I can control the software but unable to make changes to any scripts. Thanks ... Herr

Kinect - Shows But No Go

Well I found a Kinect on Craigs List for $30.00 and just couldnt pass it up. Got all the drivers loaded and it works good in Amcap and Skype, twice as nice as my USB Logitech cam but cant connect to it in EZB. It shows in the camera device but gives a error when starting ... What a great picture this thing gives, really nice and clear. Cant wait...

Forum Pictures Not Showing Right

Hey all For some reason ever since the new website came up the pictures in the forum post are not showing right. I thought it was just the website needing fine tuned but now Im sure that its me ... lol The pictures are all long and very thin, if I click on them to show the large view all is ok. Is there a setting I need to change. Long live...

Stopping Rss/Radio/Movie Scripts

Hey all How does one stop: RSS news feeds RSS radio feeds Stop/pause Windows Media Player (playing movies through a USB monitor) This is a embedded system so these commands must work by voice. I have followed the info in this link but still unable to get feeds to stop. If I have a script called news, which is a...

Ez-B Windows Media Player ?

Hey All I have a embedded PC on my robot with a screen. I have tried to use the Exec command to get a movie to play on the screen through Windows Media Player. Exec(C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player.exe, D:\Movies\movie.wmv) (The movie.wmv is on the D: drive of the system.) Error: The system cannot find the file specified I am sure the file...

Glyph Detection

Sorry but I believe I found what Im looking for. I was unable to delete post, only edit it. blush Herr
Sabertooth Motor Controller Dip Switches

Sabertooth Motor Controller Dip Switches

Hey all I am attempting to hook up my Sabertooth 2x25 but am a little confused here. Have read two different places here how to connect?...

Unable To See Videos

Hey all For some unknown reason I am unable to view any of the videos in the forums? I was able before but not now! Any suggestions? Herr

Robot Motor Question

Hey all Is it possible to tell by these specs how much weight these motors can carry? If not how can i find out? Any help Im grateful for. Motor: 12V DC nominal, at no load RPM ~ 16, current ~ 0.25A. Stall current ~ 4.5A and stall torque = 71 Kgcm = 6.9 Nm = 61.6 lbin = 977 ozin. With 2 motors you get a massive ~2000 oz*in torque. Weight ~1 lbs...

Sata To Sd Drive Converter Questions.

I have just ordered a Sata to SD drive converter for my mini itx board and had a couple of questions for those out there that have gone this route. The converter can handle up to a 32gb card (which I also ordered), I feel this is plenty for the OS, EZ Robot software and my sound files, any input here? I should be able to run Windows 7 on these...
Welding Plastic ?

Welding Plastic ?

Ran into this on You Tube and thought others might like to see it. I never new you could really weld plastic. The video is a little long but at the end she shows how really strong the...

Mp3 Files In The Examples.

I need a certain MP3 (or .wav) file for my Wall-E project. I see that it is in the Wall-E examples in ARC. The WallEMusic.wav file that Wall-E dances to. Is there any way to extract it from ARC to place in my project? Thanks ... Herr Ball

Mp3 Trigger - Sparkfun

Loaded up some Wall-E sounds onto my MP3 (Sparkfun) Trigger and cant seem to get it to work correctly. I have followed DJs video on connecting it to the EZ-Board to the tee. I plug it into the EZ-Board, for power only, and try to cycle through the sounds using the button but only get one track (or sound) and it is fuzzy? The files are in the MP3...

Wall-E Builders

Yo ... Wall-E bot heads Question for those of you that designed Wall-Es head to move up and down. Are the small or mini servos strong enough to control the head and the weight of the camera too? I await your great words of wisdom! Herr

Vacuum Forming Machine

Hey all I was doing some surfing and ran into this. Thought it might be something people would be interested in seeing.

Wall-E Wheel Question

Howdy fellow bot heads! I have removed the wheels assembly from each side of my Wall-E frame but can not figure out how to get the wheels separated to attach my servos. Hope Im making myself clear here. Im talking about the rear drive wheel. I cant get the inside hub off the outside hub. I have tried to pull and pull but Im afraid Im going to break...
Continuous Rotating Servos

Continuous Rotating Servos

Hello all Anyone have any idea the amount of weight the continuous servos sold on this site can move around easily? Thanks ... Herr

Ez Robot Standard Servos

Hello I have a question about the standard servos in the EZ Robot Kit. I received the replacement servos that were originally bad. I understand that problems happen in every business, no fault here on EZ Robot side, and would just like to say, very impressed with how it was handled. Back to my question ... lol No sense in throwing a servo away so I...

Python Play Audio File Error

@Athena Here is two scripts, one is EZ Script the other is Python. EZ Script: PlayAudio(D:\Music\NateKingCole\Unforgettable.mp3) The EZ Script works good. Python: Audio.playAudioFile(D:\Music\NateKingCole\Unforgettable.mp3); Receive a error on the Python Script (unicode error) malformed \N character escape Do you see a problem?

Speech Synthesis Settings

@Athena Please explain how to set the Speech Synthesis Settings back to default.

Forum Thoughts

@DJ Ive have had a idea about the forums for a long time. You have always listened to us and welcomed our thoughts. So, (LOL) with the implementation of Athena I figured it would be a good time to bring it up. Looking at the forums front page you see the different blocks that represent the different post. What do you think of having a scrolling...
Batteries ... Car Booster/Jumper

Batteries ... Car Booster/Jumper

Has anyone tried using one of the booster/jumper batteries for cars in a robotic project? Link Here

Lidar ... Purchase

@DJ What Lidar, in your opinion works best with Arc? Others can chime in also. Thanks

Arc Pro Membership Question

If someone purchases a Arc Pro membership now, will it extend to Arcx when it is released? How will it work? Thanks

EZB USB Connection

@Athena When connecting a EZB V4/2 to a computer through a USB port is a USB 2.0 port ok?
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