Herr Ball
— Edited
Was doing a little web surfing a couple of weeks ago and ran into some pretty cool robot eyes. I ordered two 8x8 LED's and with my Arduino, programmed the chip to run them.
Once the eyes are programmed the way you want, then all that needs to be done is pop the chip from the Arduino and make a small stand alone board. Nothing hard at all in this setup. I bought the LED's in a kit and soldered them up but if you prefer you can buy them pre-built. The Arduino stand alone board is just a couple of small components and that's it.
I'd say $15, $20 at the most to build.
Note: *** The above video was found on the net. ***
Cool! I've been thinking about using an Arduino board to drive my Omnibot's LED's. The Arduino could then be controlled by an EZ-B over serial/I2C
Exactly what I've been thinking about trying out with the I2C/Serial control of an Arduino to control LEDs and servos etc. Although I'm not too clued up on Arduino yet but I guess it could work the same way a BlinkM works with it's different colours and patterns. I've just never gotten around to looking at how feasible it would be and my only Arduino (Arduino Nano I think it is) has no I2C... that I know of.
Looking forward to seeing where this topic heads
so cool
So does arduino work with EZ robot software? or do you have to write and arduino sketch?
No it doesn't. You would have to have the arduino and EZ-B communicate with each other over I2C or serial. The EZ-B could, in theory, send commands to the Arduino to trigger events and pre-programmed sequences.
Well I know nothing about l2C. My plan is to turn the Arduino (stand alone board) off/on from the EZB with a TIP122 circuit when starting/stopping the robot.
I assume, however it is only an assumption so may be wrong (please correct/confirm if you know better) but it shouldn't be too difficult to control an Arduino via I2C.
My understanding is that the EZ-B would send an I2C command to the Arduino using a script command of I2CWrite(0, 0x00, "blink") where 0x00 is the address and "blink" is the command. Then on the Arduino side, have a sketch which listens on the I2C port for commands, if "blink" is received it runs the blink code, if something else i.e. "eyes left" then it runs the eyes left code and so on.
I presume serial would also be as simple, listen on the serial port for commands and act upon receiving them.
The advantage of this over the EZ-B controlling LEDs is that you can charlieplex an Arduino but you can't (or couldn't at least with the V3) charlieplex an EZ-B. Thereby saving a lot of ports, especially on 2 8x8 LED matrix (128 ports would be needed to do it via individual ports).
Personally my plan wasn't to use Arduino with LEDs but to use Arduino to run it's own stand alone code for stabilising a bi-ped. Sensors connected to an Arduino at the top of each leg which detect and compensate for any instability while also being connected to the EZ-B so movement commands can also be sent to the leg servos and no conflicting between the stabilisation and movement. I've not worked it all out, I've not even looked at all possible problems or if it is even a feasible option but that's the idea.
Anyway, not wanting to take over the post entirely with my ideas and plans. The original video posted is pretty awesome. I just love how LED eyes look when they blink (Loki gets me the same way too).
to add to Rich's description, this article might be useful as well as the IC described talks to the arduino thru the I2C
I2C and Arduino (for EZ -B)
Every official arduino board (and many unofficial ones as well) support I2C. The arduino team has published a library and example code on how to send and receive I2C commands, so if you've worked with an arduino before it shouldn't be too hard to modify it to your needs.
Maybe one day there will be an EZ-Bit IO expander wink wink
I like Rich's idea of using an Arduino to handle fast acting automated tasks like keeping balance. I have a book about using Arduino for robotics, and one of the samples is actually not a robot, but a Segway clone. Not on my current project list, but I could see wanting to make a self balancing 2 wheel bot, letting the Arduino handle the balancing part, and receiving forward/backward/stop/turn commands from an EZ-B that also handled all of the more interactive functions.
I need to finish my first two planned bots before I dip my toes in that water, but maybe I won't sell my remaining V3 EZ-B after all (I just pre-ordered another v4 developers kit. Decided to get in before any price increase rather than waiting and needing to sell the V3 to afford it -- I was torn between a Roli, which I think is a bargain, but I already have a 90% complete treaded bot, An Acer W3 to embed in my bigger bot instead of my larger and heavier Panasonic Toughbook, or just go for the V4 kit. Decided to go for the kit for now. Acer W3's will only go down in price, and at my current rate of robot building I won't be ready to put the computer in the big one for another 6-8 months anyway).
@Herrball and @Rich ...further to the I2C and Arduino
arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/MasterWriter and
www.instructables.com/id/I2C-between-Arduinos/ if you havnt found them already
@Alan A self balancing type Segway would be very cool.....I think every person on this Forum understands your " in progress bots"
Hello Herrball, I am trying to make a pair of eyes for my son's four foot high toy soldier. I am new to this - is there any chance you could create a kit of the hardware and software ready loaded so that all I have to do is purchase the kit from you and then plug a few things together?
regards Shaun
I have be thinking about putting together a video on these eyes as several people have been asking about LED eyes lately. It is very easy to do and I think after you see what is involved you might take the project on for yourself. I would be more than happy to supply the code that I have. I have never done a video so this might take me a little time to get it setup but I'll give it a shot.
get the EZ-B v4 I2C Peripheral Cable (25cm)
check the ezb data sheet for the +5, gnd, clock and data lines from the i2c port
connect the corresponding 4 wires from the EZ-B v4 I2C Peripheral Cable (25cm) to the led matrix. It has labels for each Of the four wires. Connect the plug to the EZ-B v4/2 Wi-Fi Robot Controller
load ARC
add control -> i2c -> led matrix 8x8
press the configure on the control and you can create animations with the mouse
Yup, DJ is right as usual.
If you look up Luis Vazques https://synthiam.com/User/luis-vazquez/Profile/
He on this forum he taught me to do this using arduino and EZ-B. Both together talking via serial is amazing and very easy to do. You have unlimited code and examples on the arduino.
This is arduinio and EZ-B working together. Learn to make the two communicate and you will not be disappointed.
Love the neo pixel rings in your bot!
The arduino is great for controlling single simple thingd and yiure right, has a huge library of code. Combine that with ezb and off to the races!
Please send me a email.
Here is a video of the ALTAIR robots 8x8 LED matrix eyes, that has a dedicated PIC controlling them which acts as a slave to the v.4 controller.
Hello Herr I have replied!