Herr Ball
I have a new (older) servo, one of the original EZ-Robot S08NF STD servo that has bad gears in it. Don't believe that these where especially made for EZ Robot, so what company/model number are they?
Related Hardware EZ-B v3
all ezrobot servos were designed and made by ezrobot. You can contact ezrobot at www.ez-robot.com for questions about their products. In the meantime, there is another similar question posted right beside yours in the community forum, ironically!
Here's the link: https://synthiam.com/Community/Questions/Needing-to-source-Servo-Gears-20042
@Herr Ball. I have a bunch of those servos since I upgraded most to HD. Send me your address and I can mail you a couple.
My email address is in my profile.
Grateful for your offer ...
It's not that I need servos, I have around 15 or so lying around here.
I was just going through them and remembered the one with bad gears and thought, I'll fix it for a few dollars if I can.
Waste not ... want not.
If any of them are burnt out or something like that?