Robot Skill Store
The Synthiam Skill Store is the perfect place to find new robot skills for your ARC software. With industry experts creating these skills, you can easily make a robot that performs all sorts of tasks.
You may also create a robot skill or learn how to add them to a robot.
Most Recent
Artificial Intelligence
Infrared Distance
Movement Panels
Remote Control
Ultrasonic Distance
Virtual Reality
The Movement Panels category in Synthiam ARC focuses on controlling and managing the movement of robots. It includes features for controlling motors, wheels, and other actuators, allowing robots to navigate and move in a controlled manner. There can only be one movement panel per project. <a href="/Support/ARC-Overview/movement-panels">Movement Panel Details</a>
AR Parrot Drone Movement

The AR Drone Movement Panel allows control of an AR Parrot Drone Quadcopter v1 and v2. The A and Z keys are used for Up and Down when using the keyboard mode....
Auto Position Movement Panel (Gait)

Use this to make your robot walk or move using servos. This movement panel is used for humanoids and hexapods. Create frames and actions to animate the robot...
Brushless Motor Movement Panel v2

A movement panel to control brushless motor controllers. These are used in hoverboards or many other robot types.
for ARCx
Continuous Rotation Movement Panel

Two or more continuous servos used as a movement panel to move the robot with movement commands.
Continuous Servo Movement Panel

This movement panel controls two continuous servos, which have continuous rotation. Unlike a Standard Servo, a continuous servo has its internals changed to...
Custom Movement Panel

Use this skill if your robot requires a motor/movement controller that is not supported. You may assign scripts to the Forward, Backward, Left, Right, and Stop...
Custom Movement Panel V2

An advanced custom movement panel with more features than the regular panel
DJI Tello Movement Panel v3

Control the DJI Tello drone from ARC and receive the camera video feed for tracking.
Dual Hbridge

A movement panel for using a two-channel hbridge that uses DC motors. There is no speed control with this movement panel. The motors will be either ON or OFF....
Dual Hbridge W/PWM

A movement panel for using a two-channel hbridge that uses DC motors. This will also control the speed of the motors using PWM signals to increase the robots...
Inverted Pendulum v9

The inverted pendulum skill is designed to be used with the Sainsmart v3 balance robot but technically you can use the Sainsmart hardware, combined with ARC, to...
Irobot Roomba Legacy v4

Control the older iRobot Discovery and 4xxx for legacy support