Robot Skill Store
The Synthiam Skill Store is the perfect place to find new robot skills for your ARC software. With industry experts creating these skills, you can easily make a robot that performs all sorts of tasks.
You may also create a robot skill or learn how to add them to a robot.
Most Recent
Artificial Intelligence
Infrared Distance
Movement Panels
Remote Control
Ultrasonic Distance
Virtual Reality
The Remote Control category in Synthiam ARC enables robots to be controlled remotely by users. It includes functionalities for remote operation, telepresence, and remote monitoring. This skill set is valuable for scenarios where direct user control or observation is required.
Avatar JD v11

Avatar JD is a Virtual 3D simulator of JD Humanoid. You can move this Avatar JD to move your real JD Robot. Also, when you move your real robot Avatar JD will...
Exosphere v74

Exosphere combines telepresence, artificial intelligence, machine learning and human assistance to give autonomous behaviors to cloud robotics.
Floor Map

This skill is used with a movement panel. When the movement panel is used (i.e. your robot is moving forward, left, right, etc) then the floor map skill will...
HTTP Server

Remote control of the ARC Application (and your desktop) over a web browser. Use the Config button to load the configuration window. Specify the TCP Port and...
HTTP Server (Custom)

This HTTP Server is different than the regular HTTP Server because it allows custom HTML Files. The HTML Files may contain special commands for controlling your...
Interface Builder

The Interface builder skill empowers you to create a touch-screen user interface (UI) for your robot. Use buttons, labels, pads, sliders, drop-downs,...
Joystick (Direct Input)

A joystick can be connected and used with ARC to control movement, servo positions, and assign scripts to buttons. For XInput joysticks (such as Xbox), use the...
Joystick (Xinput) v16

Joystick control for XInput devices (xbox controllers, etc).
Key Control

Use this control to assign scripts to keyboard shortcuts. Any key can be assigned a Script command. By default, the arrow keys control any movement panel you...
Movement Joystick v6

A joystick that controls any movement panel
for ARCx
Movement Joystick

An on-screen joystick that will control any movement panel in the project.
Myo Gesture Armband v8

Myo Gesture Armband with support for multiple devices