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Country: France
Member Since:


  • 2012-11-09 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-11-30 - created first new question
  • 2013-04-02 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-07-20 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-09-17 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-08-19 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-08-19 - answered a forum question
  • 2015-09-23 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2020-01-04 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2020-04-26 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions

Easydriver And NEMA17 Stepper Motor

Easydriver And NEMA17 Stepper Motor

Hi, I am trying to use a NEMA17 stepper motor (from an old 3D printer) with the EZB v4, through the EasyDriver - Stepper Motor Driver from Sparkfun. I...

Up Board - Accessibility Of Pinouts With ARC

Hi, I have a question concerning the Up Board (it is more and more difficult to resist to this one). Are the pinouts of the Up board accessible with ARC (like an EZB)? I have noticed that there is 40 of them, including UART, and it would be really cool if it was possible to connect the Roomba directly to the Up Board and control it with the the...

Strange Issue With File.Appendstring

Hi, I have a very strange issue with File.AppendString. I have a very simple python script to write a text in a file: file = C:\Users\FredWin\Documents\ARC\Scripts\ten.txt File.Delete(file) File.AppendString(file, text) but it returns me Start Caractères non conformes dans le chemin daccès. Done (00:00:00.0224805) (trad:Illegal characters in the...

Irobot Roomba Movement Panel - UART Connection Issues

Hi, I am trying to use the Roomba Movement Panel, however I have some issues. It is very frequent that the panel is disconnected from the UART port, when I use it directly or through scripts. When the Sensor Streaming is active, I have the following error in the Movement Panel console: System.Exception: Missing data. Expecting 80 bytes à...
Equivalent Of Ezscript's  Sleeprandom(A,B) For Python ?

Equivalent Of Ezscripts Sleeprandom(A,B) For Python ?

Hi, I used to use a lot SleepRandom(a,b) in my EZ-scripts to simulate random behaviors. I dont find the equivalent...

Python Script For The Roomba - UART.Hardwareuartread Issue

Hi, I am continuing my EZ-scripts to Python conversion and I have begin to work on my Roomba robot. All my command work with the EZ-scripts, but some of them dont with Python. I have in particular some difficulties with the reading of UART data. Here are some part of scripts used to identify the Roomba working mode: With EZ-Script uartinit(0, 1,...
I Need Help For A Python Script (Conversion Of An Old EZ Script)

I Need Help For A Python Script (Conversion Of An Old EZ Script)

Hi, I try to convert an old EZ scripts into a python scripts It is a script that reads a...
Ezbpi Server - Access To The Pi Gpios

Ezbpi Server - Access To The Pi Gpios

Hi, I have successfully connected ARC to the Pi using the EZBPi server, but I dont understand how to access the GPIOs of the Pi. If I want to set...
Question About Shortcut Creator In ARC

Question About Shortcut Creator In ARC

Hi, I have some issue with the Shortcut Creator in ARC: when i select a script in the Auto Start Script step (step 3), it never starts when the...

Nest Smoke Detector

Hi, I am thinking of buying a NEST smoke detector, because it can be used with ARC (and yes, also for safety reasons). I have seen the example for the thermostat, but nothing about the smoke/CO detector. Does anyone know what kind of variables can be recover in ARC with the smoke detector ? Thanks.
Distance Sensors Lack Of Timeout

Distance Sensors Lack Of Timeout

Hi, I have an issue with some cheap HC-SR04 distance sensors, like the one described in this Arduino forum thread...

Watch If A Script Is Running

Hi, I wanted to know if there some kind of script command to watch if another script is running. I want to do something like : ... if (script B is running) pause() ... Thanks.

Pixy Vision Sensor

Hi, I have found this on Kickstarter : Pixy Pixy is a fast vision sensor you can quickly teach to find objects, and it reports its findings through several simple interfaces. It seems that it could be a interresting addition to EZB for object recognition. What do you think? An interresting aspect of the project is the color codes. As I understand...
Roomba Hack - Uart Questions

Roomba Hack - Uart Questions

Hi, I have finally found a Roomba 620 I wish to use as a robot base. Everything works great, thanks to @RichardR examples and some very interesting threads. Now I...

Camera Config - Change Media Save Folder

Hi everyone, I tried recently to change the Media Save Folder in Camera Config from C:\Users\Fredebec\Pictures\My Robot Pictures to something else, but it dont seems to be possible anymore : the text field is not active. I know for sure I was able to do it in the past... I dont know if it is an ARC issue or if there is something wrong with my...
Mpu9150 - Temperature Sensor

Mpu9150 - Temperature Sensor

Hi, I have bought the MPU9150 sensor and try to use the temperature sensor. But the sensor always displays 22 Celcius, whatever the condition... I have followed the...
ARC Connection Question

ARC Connection Question

Hi everyone, I have been kept away from this forum (and robots) for a looong time but I am back again So, I try to connect ARC with my EZB-v4. The problem is, it doesnt...
Voice Recognition Question

Voice Recognition Question

Hello everyone, Its been a while since I tried my wall-e project. I have now a new windows system (windows 8.1) and the last version of ARC . It appears that voice...
Twitter In ARC

Twitter In ARC

Hi, I try to use some twitter functionalities in ARC but I encounter some difficulties. I have configured my account in Option/Twitter in ARC with no problem, but after that nothing works,...
Camera Controlcommand Error With The Camerarecordstart Command

Camera Controlcommand Error With The Camerarecordstart Command

Hi, since a recent update (I dont know which one exactly), the ControlCommand CameraRecordStart...

Script Using Multi Color For Personality Generator

edited with the full code Hi, Here is a small script I have written, using the new Multi Color tracking feature. The script tracks Multi Colors (here red, green and blue) and each time a color is tracked, the script update a textfile corresponding to the color and increases by 1 the number inside the file. So, the more a color is seen, higher the...
Controlcommand And Multi Color Tracking

Controlcommand And Multi Color Tracking

Hi, I wanted to know if there is Control Command parameters for the knew amazing Multi Color Tracking feature, such as...
Script With Controlcommand And Camera - Error Message

Script With Controlcommand And Camera - Error Message

Hi, I have written a script using the camera for face tracking, which used to work ok. But now, at the begining of...


Hi, I have a small issue with a script using the MP3 Trigger. When I use the function MP3TriggerPlayTrack(d5, 38400, 5), I have the following error : Error on line 1: La chaîne na pas...

New Project: Pc-Bot

Hi, My desktop-PCs Motherboard just died yesterday... So maybe it is time to buy an all new PC! What I have in mind is to try to build a Desktop-PC-Bot around a mini-ITX MB: It should be a desktop-PC when I am at home and a robot when I am out (or when i dont need the PC). I will use a commercial or homemade chassis and put outside wheels, PING,...

Autoconnect Script, With Virtualrobot (And Digital)

Hi, Just to report a strange behavior with VirtualRobot in ARC: When I add a Digital (Input or Outpout) to the VirtualRobot, then the autoconnect script (ControlCommand(Connection, Connect0)) dont work anymore and connection failed, without any error message. Manual connection in the Connection window is OK. I have tested it directly in the ARC...

Wireless Camera And Usb Dongle Pairing

Hi, This topic follows this one:, but i come with 1 (or 2) more precise questions: - Is it possible that the wireless camera loose the pairing with the usb dongle (even if everything was fine before)? - If yes, is there a way to redo the pairing but without the camera power button, as i have taken it...

Camera Is Not Working Anymore

Hello Everyone and Happy new year! First I should precise that my ezb camera used to work very well, even after doing the modifications (soldering) to power it directly by the ezb. It is because everything went that well that i decided to put it in wall-es eye and perform some tracking tests. But when I began to configure servo for tracking (and in...

Secure Soldering With Hot Glue ?

Hi, I have modified the camera from the ezb kit by soldering wires on the camera board in order to power it by the ezb (like winstn6 did in this thread, thanks to him). In my real Wall-e, the camera will be inserted in the eye, but some wire will be unprotected, outside of it. My question is: is it safe...
Hi Everyone. I Already Have A Question ;)

Hi Everyone. I Already Have A Question

Hi everyone, First, I am completely new to DIY robotics (but interested for a long time) and it is the discovery of EZ Robot (and its community)...
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