
I am continuing my EZ-scripts to Python conversion and I have begin to work on my Roomba robot. All my command work with the EZ-scripts, but some of them don't with Python. I have in particular some difficulties with the reading of UART data.
Here are some part of scripts used to identify the Roomba working mode:
With EZ-Script
uartinit(0, 1, 115200) #have to have this to clear the buffer
uartWrite(0,1,142) # Mode check
uartWrite(0,1,35) # Mode check
$rx = UartAvailable(0, 1)
if ($rx=1)
$rxdata = UARTRead(0, 1, $rx)
print( $rxdata )
With this script, I am able to print $rxdata and then the rest of the script continues normally.
With Python
UART.InitHardwareUart(1, 115200) #have to have this to clear the buffer
UART.HardwareUartWrite(1,142) # Mode check 1
UART.HardwareUartWrite(1,35) # Mode check 2
rxdata = 0
rx = UART.HardwareUartAvailable(1)
if rx == 1:
rxdata = UART.HardwareUartRead(1,rx)
With this script, i am unable to print rxdata and the console prints "Not connected" instead (and the script stop).
So, it seems that UART.HardwareUartRead does not behave like UARTRead (when UART.InitHardwareUart, UART.HardwareUartWrite and UART.HardwareUartAvailable behave as expected like their EZ-scripts equivalents).
Did I missed something ? Thanks
(By the way, the link to the Roomba manual page (https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/Roomba-Movement-Panel-16116) does not seems to be active anymore)
Add the iRobot Movement Panel skill and use that. It already reads data from the roomba for you and puts it in variables: https://synthiam.com/Products/Controls/Movement-Panels/iRobot-Roomba-Movement-Panel-19164
You're trying to use a byte array as a byte etc... The "UART.HardwareUartRead" returns a byte array. I wouldn't try to program and reinvent existing features in python AND try to learn python at the same time
Also, "Not Connected" means the ARC software is "not connected" to an EZ-B
Hi @DJ
Thank you for your feedback.
It is not indeed the EZ wayWhat I don't understand is why is it working with EZ-Script and not with Python,... and only for the "Read" function. There is only one UARTRead command in EZ-Script and it works just fine. The UART.HardwareUartRead in Python is not supposed to do the same ?
Concerning the "Not connected" part, the issue is that ARC was in fact connected to an EZB v4 (everything else works) that's why I don't understand the error message...
OK, I have found where the "Not connected" issue come from.
UART.HardwareUartRead does not look at the same uartIndex.
The ROOMBA is connected to the UART port 1, but I have to define UartRead to 0 (UART.HardwareUartRead (0, x)), in Python or JS, for the command to work... That way, I obtain "ArrayByte" with
. Now I have to find what I must do with that
@fredebec: There is a small logic bug:
I believe the UART.HardwareUartAvailable is analogous to EZ-script UARTAvailable:
you are reading the number of bytes available in EZ controller can be 0-5000 and then your logic checks only runs if number is precisely 1... bear in mind, plain serial RX/TX without hardware error control, is prone to noise, so you need to prepare for other possibilities.your code is running on the PC not in the controller, so you have two round trips (HardwareUartAvailable, HardwareUartRead) to the controller, maybe you can reduce to one single roundtrip.
maybe something like this:
a single round trip.
Also - he did find a bug in the ezb index being used as the uart index. I fixed it last night and releasing an update today
and if there’s noise on a uart line then someone’s got some pretty terrible wiring
When using EZ-scripts, I never encounter any issue when looking at a precise number with UARTAvailable, so noise does not seems to be an issue. I have other scripts using other values, depending of the Roomba command (1, 2 or 3), so looking at the precise value is also some kind of check that the Roomba command is right...
I am going to try your simplified code, thanks for the tip.
@DJ, thanks a lot for having looked at my strange "not connected" behavior and for the update.
I still need to find why my Python script does not work as my EZ-scripts Maybe if i put the complete codes it will be more obvious what I try to achieve:
It is the $RX_DATA = UARTRead(0, 1, $rx) and $mode=GetByteAt($RX_DATA,0) commands that I cannot make work in Python. But maybe it is still out of my league...
When I code, and specially, when i deal with sensor data, you need to be well prepared, that is the difference between blaming hardware, firmware and software most people forget that there are other variables e.g. QOS, Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric pressure, cost/market : Automotive, Militar, DIY etc. It's a good practice, but, is not required.
I simplified your script to this:
Please try and let me know if it works.
Can never be too careful
I certainly did not mean to dismiss your input - always valued!
Upgrade to this: https://synthiam.com/Products/ARC/Releases/ARC-Beta-2020-05-08-00-19463
@DJ thanks for the update. No more "not connected message"
@ptp, thanks a lot for your help and advice
Your script does not work: here is the output of the console:
Here the output with my ezscript (post #6):
@ptp, update:
I succeeded in running your code, but only when keeping separated HardwareUartAvailable and HardwareUartRead as I used to do:
I obtain the expected output
It seems the solution to my script was in the line
Could you explain what [0] means ?
data is an array, data[0] is the first byte, data[1] the second byte etc.
Oh, OK. It's clear now. Thanks
Thanks to your help and advice, I have successfully converted most of my Roomba data reading scripts.
I have looked a little closer to "arrays" and using the array module, I have improved the previous script. Indeed, when using 2 lines for UART.HardwareUartWrite(), I had inconstancy in the results. By using biteArray, it is now working every time.
here is my final script:
Each call to HardwareUartWrite is a round-trip so there is a latency. Visualize the path: Python-ARC-Network-WIFI-EZB-Roomba you can imagine each step adding milliseconds. The roomba firmware must have timeout to avoid getting stuck waiting for a sub-command (second byte). I presume in some cases the sub-command (second byte) is handled as the the command and as consequence ignored. That is why is important to understand all the layers involved. Like DJ said does not make sense to reinvent the wheel. reinvention may be justified if you can learn from the process, later you will appreciate the software/control.
Padawan, you are in search of knowledge, Patient you must be. Your path you must decide.