Hi, My desktop-PC's Motherboard just died yesterday... So maybe it is time to buy an all new PC!
What I have in mind is to try to build a Desktop-PC-Bot around a mini-ITX MB: It should be a desktop-PC when I am at home and a robot when I am out (or when i don't need the PC). I will use a commercial or homemade chassis and put outside wheels, PING, camera, and all other fun stuff for a robot, and inside the mini-ITX, the EZB, etc...
My concern is about power. I want a relatively good motherboard (like this one http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4338#ov) and CPU (like this one http://ark.intel.com/products/65515/Intel-Core-i5-3475S-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_60-GHz) and I think it will need at least a 300w alim. It is not a problem in PC (connected) mode, but I don't know if it will be possible to find a battery that will handle the whole system in Robot mode... What do you think?
there is one thats close ,but with 300 watts you are looking at a very big battery
M4-ATX dc-dc conveter
better to look at the ZOTAC line of mini computers ,much lower wattage and up to I3 PROCESSORS
After studying the system i want a little further, I have noticed that 300Watt is what is needed with a PCI video card and by running all possible components on the MB. If I use only the GPU included in the i5Core CPU it falls to 200Watts. In robot mode, the GPU part of the CPU will not be used (no screen), and the only component active will be 1 SSD, EZB and robot parts... so probably i will need around 150watts at the end. It should be more reasonable for the battery, right?
still will need a big battery,just not as big as 300 watts ,them motors and all the electronics most ZOTAC are wellunder 100 watts ,like 40 watts and some 12 watts
Dont forget the bigger the battery high the torque of the motors and less wattage of batteries less run time
SO best solution is to look for a low wattage mini -itx board that use low wattage and high speed as you can get
I5 core uses more wattage then I3 core