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  • 2014-05-15 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-08-08 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-10 - created first new question
  • 2014-08-12 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-13 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-12-16 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2018-02-26 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2018-05-23 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2018-05-23 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2021-12-21 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2022-04-29 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2022-11-06 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-11-06 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-08-18 - started first conversation
  • 2024-01-04 - created a custom avatar

Latest submissions


How Do I Resize A Script Box

I used to be able to resize boxes scripts and movement panels, but it doesnt work anymore.  Is there a way to resize them?
Sabertooth Control In Mobile App

Sabertooth Control In Mobile App

I have a Sabertooth Movement Panel configured in my mobile app.  But when attempt to use it i receive message This control has not been implemented in...

Ezb 4 Keeps Disconnecting

Here is the error message. Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. --- System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection...
Check If Connected In Java Script

Check If Connected In Java Script

i know you can check for connection in EZB scripting language by using isconnected(1).  What is it for JavaScript? I cant find it in the help section.
Reading And Writing Files In Java

Reading And Writing Files In Java

I am not a Java expert.  Can someone post an example of how to open/write and open/read a file on my local computer using the ARC Java Script editor?...

What Is The I2C Address For The Iotiny.

I know the address for I2C port on the EZB v4 is 0x09, is it the same for the IOtiny?  I found the pin out documentation but no port address.
Set Digital On In Javascript

Set Digital On In Javascript

When I use the following JavaScript code: Digital.set(1.d4, true); I receive error Line 1: Unexpected token ILLEGAL. I want to turn digital port d4 on, on my second...
Filereadline Getting Error Data Is In Wrong Format

Filereadline Getting Error Data Is In Wrong Format

I have created a file by downloading data from the web. this is the line of code FileWrite($DataFile,HTTPGet($url1))...
Passing Variables Between Javascript And Ezscript.

Passing Variables Between Javascript And Ezscript.

Prior to ARC, I was able to pass variable among different scripts using EzScript.  I can still do that, but I cant pass...

Waitforservomove And Servowait

I am looking for a way to wait for a servo to get to a certain point before continuing on with my script. I have tired both the waitforservomove and servo_wait. But I cant get the servo to move. The script example is below: Servo(d1,100) waitforservomove(d1,1000) and I tried servo(d1,100) Servo_wait(d1,higher,99) I am trying to get my servo to 100,...

Hbridge PWM Only Working On Board 0.

I am not sure whats wrong.  But Ive noticed that PWM controls are not working correctly, they sometimes loose connection with the port.  Also I cant seem to get the Hbridge with PWM to work on any board except 0.   Has anyone else had the same issue?

Servos On Second EZB

I am running two EZBs on my project.  The second one has two servos connected.  When I run the script command getservo(1.12) or getservo(1.13) it returns zero until I actually issue a move servo command and then it will show the position of the servo.  Has anyone else noticed this issue?

Unix Time

Looking for script code that will convert current time to Unix time. Unix time starts on 01/01/1970. I need to know how to calculate the Unix time for current time. Thanks

Power And Temperature

I am using scripting to get power and temperature for 2 ezbs. I have noticed that even if I disconnect the 2nd EZB, my script still shows power and temp for it even though it is no longer connected. I think there may be a bug in Ez Robot. Here is my script. $cputemp1 = 0 $cputemp2 = 0 $cpupower1 = 0 $cpupower2 = 0 $cputemp1 = ((GetCpuTemp(0) * 9/5)...

Ez-B V4 Info

Is it possible to show an EzB V4 Info window for each EZB you have connected. I cant find a setting that would allow this window to show up for each EZB I am using. Any help is appreciated.

My New Robot

I wish! Boston Dynamics Robot

Multiple Blinkm

I am not understanding how to change colors via scripting if I have 2 blinkm connected. This will fade to blue I2CWrite(0,0x09,c,0x00,0x00,0xff) How do I make the other one fade to another color? I cant figure out how to address the each blinkm individually. Thanks.
Pull Down Resistor

Pull Down Resistor

I have a switch that is always closed. If it becomes open that is a condition that I take some action. I put together a pull down resistor (based off the attached picture from another...

Date Calculation

if I run this command: $xhours = FmtTimeSpan(CDateTime(10/29/2016 1:00:00 PM) - CDateTime(10/31/2016 2:02:02 PM), hh) I get 1. Which works great. And says that 2 pm is 1 hour from 1 pm. But if I run this $xhours = FmtTimeSpan(CDateTime(10/29/2016 3:00:00 PM) - CDateTime(10/31/2016 2:02:02 PM), hh) I get 1. But not a negative 1 or even 0. I am...
Hc-Sr04 Shows Only 255

Hc-Sr04 Shows Only 255

I am trying to get the HC-Sr04 sonar to work with the EZB. I use the add for my project, select radar view and the value stays at 255. I am using port D0 and D1. Could the...

Sound Activated Circuit - Pc Vs. Ezb

I followed the tutorial to make the LED flash when my robot speaks. I noticed that if I have it set to the PC Speaker, the LED flashes in sync with the speaking but if I switch to the EzB, the flashing is not in sync and ends way before the talking completes. I am using the code from the tutorial (see below). # Sound Servo to PWM range Script #...

Cereproc Voices

I was out to the Cereproc website earlier and they have all their voices on sale 50% off. If you are looking to give your robot another voice, now is the time to buy.

Httpget - Site Not Available Error

Is there a way to trap the error message when you do an HTTPGET and the site is not available. Right now, if it cant get to the site it errors out and halts the script. I would like to just trap the error and keep the script running. is that possible?

Ezb Controller Disconnects With Error

My EZB controller keeps disconnecting after a couple of minutes and issues the message below, any ideas as to the problem? Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed...
Reading Through An Rss File To Get Specific Data

Reading Through An Rss File To Get Specific Data

I have been able to get and save the attached file to my hard drive. I can read it but I can not figure out how to pull just...
Date And Time Question

Date And Time Question

Can anyone point me in the direction to find a way to tell how much time there is between two dates. For example Date1 = 10/29/2016 10:30:54 PM and Date2 = 10/28/2016 7:00:01...

Future Date

Is there a way via scripting for me to get the day name out of a future date. For example I want the robot to say that September 9 is Friday instead of September 9. I can get it to work for today, but am looking for a way to do it for future dates. Thanks for any suggestions.

Executing Functions At Certain Times Of The Day

Depending on the time of the day, I want my robot to do one thing or a different thing. I cant figure the logic out to make something like below to happen. I am hoping someone can give me some hints. Here is my script If ($time 9:30:00 and $time 16:0000 and $time 09:30:00) print(to the other thing) endif Thanks in advance.

Nfl Scores

Attached is a script that will retrieve and say the NFL scores or upcoming games. Havent tested for regular season, but it works now in the preseason. Feel free to modify the script to suit your needs. It is a beginner script so I am sure there could be better ways to do some of the things, I would be glad to here of any modifications which make it...
Nest Thermostat

Nest Thermostat

I have configured my nest account and linked it to ARC. But when I try to run the sample project for Nest. I get this error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. what am I...

Error Handling

Is there a method to capture an error in a script but keep processing ? Right now I get an error and the script stops, I would like it to ignore the error and keep going.

Will These Sensors Work With The Ezb

Are these compatible?

Servo Rotation

Does anyone have any code they could share that would turn a servo from side to side. I need it to move the servo from position 50 to position 80 and back again not exceeding those positions but I cant seem to figure out the logic to make it happen. Any examples?

Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit

Can someone provide me script that takes the GetCpuTemp and converts it to F. I have tried and it keeps causing ARC to crash.

Reading A Website For Dates

take a look at this site. I would like to take this file, have the computer scan the dates, compare it to the current date, if within a week, start sending reminders verbally up until the date has past, then it can forget about it. I dont care about times, just dates. Is it possible to scan the file and pull the...

Calculating Number Of Days Between 2 Dates

Has anyone a piece of script code that will calculate how many days have past since the current date? I need to do the calculation, but I believe the dates are alphanumeric and not numeric and cant figure it out.

Building A Calendar

Can anyone provide me an example of a table of dates, that would reside on the computer and then be checked by an a script to check if the date has an appointment or event. I would like to set it up so my robot checks the table daily for events and reminds me. Any thoughts or examples

Feature Request

Would it be possible to add support for WeMo devices? That would give the EzB the ability to turn off and on, lights, switches, and small appliances.

What Is More Efficient?

What is more efficient using the script manager and calling individual scripts within the main script or just writing one long script containing subroutines? I am trying to decide what the advantage of the script manager is.

Executing Functions At A Specific Time Interaval

I am trying to write a script that does a specific function at 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour. I cant figure out how to write it so if 15 minutes it resets that time, and continues to count until 30 minutes, and then an hour. Does anyone have an example of such a script. Thanks.

Ezscript Functions

I need to understand what the following functions do and how to use them, they maybe just what I need. Can someone assist? Where can I find more information on the following script functions. Specifically what they do and what the syntax looks like to use them. Scientific Math Functions Now() Today() DateTime Functions MinDate() MaxDate()...

Ez-B V4 Camera - View Only

Within ARC (or via an EZ script) Is there a way to have just a window with the camera view in it instead of the big box with the controls and camera view? thanks.

Further Information On Ez Script Functions

Where can I find more information on the following script functions. Specifically what they do and what the syntax looks like to use them. Scientific Math Functions Now() Today() DateTime Functions MinDate() MaxDate() MonthName() AddDays() AddMonths() AddYears() AddHours() AddMinute() AddSeconds() FmtNum() FmtDate()

Current Date And Time

When using scripts is there a way to get the current date and time from the PC clock? Thanks in advance.

Play Wav File Through Ezb V4

I have looked through the boards, but I cant find an example of a script that would play a wav file through the ezb board. Can someone please show me how to do this. Thanks
Entry Level 3D Printer

Entry Level 3D Printer

I am looking for recommendations on an entry level 3d printer. Something that I can use to print some parts but also learn without breaking the bank. Any suggestions?


I am relatively new to robotics, so here goes a dumb question. Since EzB can drive servos, what is the advantage or reason for using an Hbridge? Does it drive the same kind of servos or does it drive bigger servos? Thanks.


I ordered and received the camera. I just got around to plugging it in, and when I test the video it is very foggy, not clear. Can I return for another or are there some settings I should try in order to make the camera image clear? Thanks.
Ez-B V4 Robot Brain Overview

Ez-B V4 Robot Brain Overview

I believe that the ports are ADC ports are labeled wrong. Goto Learn - Developers Kit - Section 2 Ez-B V4 Robot Brain Overview. Shouldnt ADC0 Be at the bottom near...

Servo And Ultrasonic Sensor

I have the Sensor hooked up on D0 and D1. It works fine. I have the servos on D4 and D5. When I try to move the Robot it fries the sensor. The sensor goes to 255 and never works again. Is there some rule of thumb about how many ports they should be separated? Or is there something else I need to do to make it so I dont fry any more sensors? Thanks

Servo Movement Upon Power Connection

Is there a way to disable the servos from moving once I connect the power? Everytime I connect the power the servos jump or move.

Servo Speed

I have two questions #1 - what are the values that make the continuous rotations servos go slow? For example 90 is to fast but I can seem to figure out what the range from real slow to real fast is. #2 - could someone provide me an example script that would drive the robot forward at the speed determined by a value in a script. Thanks.
Servo Position

Servo Position

I know this may be a dumb question. How do I setup the servos so they both go forward. I have to place my servos (see attached picture) exactly the same to get them to roll in the correct...

Dht11 Humidity Temperature Sensor Brick

Can someone help me with code to read the Temperature sensor above?
Cds (Visible Light Sensor)

Cds (Visible Light Sensor)

Can someone explain how to interface a light sensor (2 wires) to the EzB. I would like the robot to be able to tell light from dark. Thanks.

Power 1501 Mg Servos

Can anyone tell me if these are continuous rotation servos?

Pins On Ezb V4

Question. On the port D0 for example. There are red pins, black pins, and white pins. Which of these are Ground, Vcc, and signal. thanks

Heavy Duty Servos In Dev Kit

Does anyone know if these servos can be modified for continuous rotation?
Unable To Update Firmware

Unable To Update Firmware

when I attempt to update my firmware I get the following message. Any way to resolve?

New To Robots / Ezrobot

Can someone explain to me or provide me script that will drive two servos at the same time. I have been able to get one servo to run using the add component of ARC . But I dont understand how to get two to rotate. Thanks in advance.
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