Attached is a script that will retrieve and say the NFL scores or upcoming games. Havent tested for regular season, but it works now in the preseason. Feel free to modify the script to suit your needs. It is a beginner script so I am sure there could be better ways to do some of the things, I would be glad to here of any modifications which make it better.. Also, special thanks to WBS00001 for the HTMLScrub.exe, without that, none of this would be possible.
This is important or the script will not run correctly.
Step 1: cut and past the script into the script editor within Ex-Builder. ]
Step 2: place the other two files (HTMLscrub.exe and HTMLscrub.ini) in this directory: C:\users\public\documents\nfl.
If you want these in different directories, you will have to modify both the script and HTMLScrub.ini.
As I mentioned, i am not a professional programmer just trying to learn. Any suggestions would be great.
Something like this would be interesting for soccer games as well
Important european leagues for example
Do you think you can do something like this?
Possibly, I am not familiar with Soccer which makes it harder. But let me see what I can do.