— Edited

Can someone provide me script that takes the GetCpuTemp and converts it to F. I have tried and it keeps causing ARC to crash.
Have you tried using this formula? ...
No, I was assigning the GetCPUTemp to a variable and then doing the math with the variable. Will try and get back to you.
Crashing ARC? That's not easy to do. I'd like to see your code. Anyway, here is a method. I tried it and it does not crash.
$CTemp is temperature in Celsius $FTemp is temperature in Farenheit
little more complex than Richard's answer, but tested...
Perfect. Thank you.
OK guys, all together now ...
Richard R._____ WBS____________You're Welcome! Alan_______/
Yes, the whole group is awesome and very quick to respond.
try this one....Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion
I'm still interested in seeing the original script, I've yet to crash ARC with a script and some of mine are insanely large and complex, I want to know what it takes to kill ARC
Me three