— Edited
I am using scripting to get power and temperature for 2 ezb's. I have noticed that even if I disconnect the 2nd EZB, my script still shows power and temp for it even though it is no longer connected. I think there may be a bug in Ez Robot. Here is my script.
$cputemp1 = 0 $cputemp2 = 0 $cpupower1 = 0 $cpupower2 = 0 $cputemp1 = ((GetCpuTemp(0) * 9/5) + 32) $cputemp2 = ((GetCpuTemp(1) * 9/5) + 32) $cpupower1 = getvoltage(0) $cpupower2 = getvoltage(1) $allinfo = "CPU1 = " + $cpupower1 + " " + $cputemp1 + " " + " CPU2 = " + $cpupower2 + " " + $cputemp2 print($allinfo)
Any help is appreciated.
I may be wrong but but I think the temp and power reading only works on the 1st EZB?
I thought I could access via script. But, that would explain the problem.