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2011-11-11 - joined Synthiam
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2012-07-22 - posted a robot project showcase
2015-11-01 - connected ARC to the cloud
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1 Or 2 Motor Controllers?
I was wondering if I need 2 or 1 of the Ez-Robot motor contollers to run 2 of these: 12V DC Reversible Gearhead Motors - 160RPM As part of our new mechatronics range, we...question

Ez-Robot Camera Question
Hello all, I have a question regarding the Ez-Robot wireless camera Is this camera considered an IP camera ( An Internet protocol camera) or just a webCam? thanksquestion

Asus Eee Pad Transformer Tablet Ez-B
Hi Guys, I currently have a Asus Eee Pad Transformer Tablet. http://www.asus.com/Eee/Eee_Pad/Eee_Pad_Transformer_TF101/ I would like to use it to...question

Come Join In! - Friday Night Chat - March 30, 2012
Friday Night Chat - Come Join In! Friday March 30, 2012 9pm EST - Eastern Standard Time This event repeats every week...question

R/C Radio Transmitter Remote
This maybe a dumb question but I have a 2.4Ghz 9Channel Transmitter w/ Module 8ch Receiver, can I use this with the Ez-b? instead of using an xbox wireless...question

Sd Card Help Plz...
Hey guys, I bought a 1gig micro SD card at best buy and I loaded it up with mp3 files. used the ez- b and the mp3 trigger to play a files and I get a 3 sec delay in sound. Now Im...question

Come Join In! - Friday Night Chat
Friday Night Chat - Come Join In! Friday March 23, 2012 9pm EST - Eastern Standard Time This event repeats every week wher...question

Friday Night Chat - Come Join In! March 16Th
Friday Night Chat - Come Join In! Friday March 16, 2012 9pm EST - Eastern Standard Time This event repeats every week where...question

Friday Night Chat.....Good Times....
I think this was a good turn out....It was great to be able to meet some new people, learn about what kind of projects everyone is working on, share...question

My Ez-B Controller Has No Power
Hi guys, today, I lost power to my Ez-B Controller. I have a fully charged RC 7.2 2800mah battery. I plugged it in and see no lights. I used a multimeter to...question

Pololu Step-Down Voltage Regulator Assistance Please
Greetings, Im having a problem with the Pololu step-down voltage regulator D15V35F5S3. Im wondering if anyone could...question

Friday Night Chat - Come Join In!
If this is ok with the DJ the EZ-Robot Community; I was wondering if we could have a Friday Night Chat - Come Join In! Friday March 9, 2012 9pm EST -...question

Parts Wanted......
For those who are about hack up the Star Wars Interactive R2D2 Astromech Droid Robot I am looking for the following components: If you have no use for them, I am willing to pay...question

Ez-Robot Camera Casing
hi, this may be a dumb question but Any tips on how to remove the Ez-Robot camera out of its casing? the video makes it look way too easy ha ha ha ...... do I need to heat up...question

Adjusting Th X Axis On Gamepad Joystick
Greetings, I have the EZ-B controller and a wireless xbox controller, Im using the left joystick to control a pittman motor by using a Syren10...question

Will Part Of My Wiring Diagram Work?
Hey guys, I was just wondering if someone could look over my wiring diagram. Im not electronic savvy and Im afriad I might blow a fuse or burnout...question

Happy Holidays From New Jersey
Hi All, I just wanted to tell everyone how much Ive enjoyed being on this site. Its so good to be on a site, where everyone is so helpful, and caring. It really...question

Yet Another Wall-E....
Hey Guys, Id just like to show my progress since I received my Ez-Robot Kit (mind you, I knew really nothing about robotics) and Yes- its a Wall-e wanna-be. Since this is my...question

I figured out the speech recognition by using the mic on the laptop to follow directions also I figured out how to add an external speaker onto my robot. My question is, that I want to add an...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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