— Edited
Hey guy,
Happy New Year to all!. I need some help or advice. Im workig on several projects and I need some opinions on certain devices that will work using the EZ-B Controller Can ya help me out?
- Air Keyboard Conqueror, www.cideko.com/pro_con.php?id=15, as my controller, controlling a Rc ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) together with a Pittman 6 to 24Vdc Gearhead Motor www.skycraftsurplus.com/pittman6to24vdcgearheadmotor.aspx
or is it better to useinstead of the RC ESC (Electronic Speed Controller), do I use Sabertooth dual 12A motor driver for R/C or use a BV4113 Motor Controller?
I basically want the Pittman motor to run forward when I push the joystick forwardand backwards when I push the stick back.
oh my power supply would be Werker 12V 12AH AGM Battery .250 Terminal WKA12-12F2 www.batteriesplus.com/product_search/32620-Werker-12V-12AH-AGM-Battery-w_--dot250-Terminal-DASH--DASH-WKA12--12F2.aspx
thanks this is a big help
PS.... am I going to need to add this to the mix? a 25W Step down adjustable switching regulator or a Voltage Regulator Breakout Board or both www.dimensionengineering.com/VregBreakout.htm