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  • 2013-07-23 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-09-04 - created first new question
  • 2013-10-04 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-10-05 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-08-02 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-06 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-14 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2014-08-26 - created a custom avatar
  • 2015-02-07 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2019-03-07 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2019-08-25 - answered a forum question

Latest submissions


Omnibot 2000 Drivetrain Motors

Anyone know a good place to find 2 replacement motors ? Would like them to be about the same size so I dont have to fiddle with the gear box to much

Speech Delay BT Speaker

Sorry for all the questions. I try to test and research before asking. I have a issue thats bothering me and cant seem to figure it out. Im using a Alfawise X5 from gearbest and a BT speaker. Whenever I use any kinda speech trough the BT speaker. There is a slight delay and the 1st word is not spoken. Ive tried setting the speaker as the default...

Powering Mini PC

Looking for suggestions on powering on mini PC on a battery. Trying to keep it light weight. Would a 12V lead acid battery with a buck converter work? PC is 12V 1.5a draw

Omnibot 2000 Arms

Anyone successfuly hack the arms on one of these to work with servos?

Connecting To PC And EZB

Probably over thinking this but looking to connect my mini PC to my EZB and VNC into the mini PC. Do I need to set the EZB into client mode to do this? Also will the mini PC need a second wifi adapter?
Hi, Looking For Help Combing A

Hi, Looking For Help Combing A

Hi, looking for help combing AIML with Speech Synthesis? Basically I want to be able to use a mic and have a conversation with my robot and have him respond...


Would anyone be interested in buying one of these? I have one thats been laying around and figured someone might be able to get some use out of it.
3D Scaling

3D Scaling

Looking for some helping scaling this file down to fit the front plate of a omnibot 5402. I have no experience in 3d files and figured i would ask here. Also thought it might intrest anyone looking to...
L298 Bridge

L298 Bridge

I was looking around micro center and found this there. Took it home and wired it up and nothing. Anyone know if this works with the ezb v3 or v4? I feel like Im missing something . Power supply is...

Omnibot 2000

Hi , I know this question gets asked a lot but was wondering if anyone had a omnibot 2000 laying around they would want to trade? Doesnt have to be in greatest shape. I have a 18 r2d2 brand new still in the box. A Ezb v3 and a omnibot 5402. I know its a long shot but throwing it out there

Blown Capacitor

Hi, I blew 2 capacitors today ( 35v 100uf ) hooking up a servo wrong in a rush. I was wondering is it safe to test my board to see if it still works before replacing the capacitors. This is a EZ-B v3 board
3D Printing Service

3D Printing Service

Looking for a good 3d printing service to get a quote on some pieces. Any suggestions ?

Ez B V3 Mobile App

Anyone have a backup copy of this they can share with me?
Android Apk

Android Apk

Does anyone have a copy of the mobile apk saved somewhere? On my Galaxy S2 4.1.2 im getting a install error trying to install from the Play store

3D Printed Pan Tilt Bracket

Hi guys, looking for a pan tilt bracket for MG995 servos. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Checked Thingverse and couple of close ones but nothing like im looking for. Looking for something along the lines of
Ultimate Wall E

Ultimate Wall E

Anyone know how many sizes of this there are? Ive been checking ebay and seen a few different ones. Im looking for a fairly large one
H Bridge Reverse Instead Of Backing Up

H Bridge Reverse Instead Of Backing Up

This is bugging the hell out of me...I have a L298N H bridge setup and for the life of me cant seem to figure out why Megabyte turns to the...

Ultrasonic Sensor And Sharp Ir Sensor

Looking for some help / sample of a script combining the 2 for navigation. This is on a omnibot 5402. I have the IR sensor mounted above his speaker. The ultra sonic is on a sweeping servo right above the IR sensor. I tried playing with Richs ping roam script and he just spins in circles. I would be grateful for any help with this.

Omnibot 2000 Pan/Tilt

Looking for ideas on a pan tilt setup without ordering brackets. I have 2 mg995 servos I plan on using. My biggest concern is keeping the neck to look stock and still have left/right, up/down function. Also theres no extra weight just lights and 2 servo extensions.
Intel Open Source 3D Robot

Intel Open Source 3D Robot

Caught this article last night. Seems a bit old but I would love to have one of these once the release the 3d stl files. Honestly cant wait to see what there going to...
Mp3 Trigger And Servos

Mp3 Trigger And Servos

Is there anyway to make the sparkfun mp3 trigger play WHILE a servo or servos move? It seems when I play a track and move a servo, the mp3 trigger stops and then refuses to...

Omnibot 5402 Head Movement

Hey guys. Ive been slowly working on one of these and I have come to a bit of a stand still. Im looking for the best way to get his head to move left and right without being to complex. So far ive seen maybe 3 different ways it was done. The only problem is 2 are only seen briefly in DJs omnibot v2 and v3 videos. While the 3rd is just more worl...

Mp3 Module

Has Anyone worked with or used Was wondering if it was the same as

Simple Dance Script

Looking for a simple example of a dance script. Something that would have my robot move his arms up and down and turn left and right. Also looking for it to start a audio track
Omnibot 2000 Arms Servos

Omnibot 2000 Arms Servos

I currently have MG995 servos in the shoulders. When running off a 12v 7a battery without the forearm and claw attatched I can get his upperarm to go up and behind his head...

Sparkfun Mp3 Trigger

Anyone have a used one of these laying around they want to sell?
$500 3D Printer

$500 3D Printer I cant wait to get my hands on this thing!

Omnibot Batteries

Looking for some suggestions on the best battery setup for this. I would like to keep him as stock and light as possible. So im thinking lipo batteries. Im just not sure how many i would need, what kind and the setup to run them. Im hoping to get about 7-8 hours of run time if possible.In terms of hardware I have , 2 12v leds lights, 8 servos and 2...
Sparkfun Mp3 Player Shield

Sparkfun Mp3 Player Shield

Anyone know if this work with ezb? I cant find any documentation on it and confused about how it hooks into ezb or if it even works!

Dj Sures Omnibot 2000

Hoping someone can help me with this.Im currently assembling parts to build my own and had some questions. 1. in the showcase it calls for a motor controller. Do I need 1 or 2 of these? Ive read different thoughts on the subject. I plan to use Omnibots original drive train system for now. 2. What kind of motor controller? Looking around it seems a...
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