Project Atlas 1.0



Inspired by alot of amazing robotics enthusiasts ,project gizmo. Just starting out he will be nothing special. Some head and arm movement and personality from a mp3 trigger. Later I would like to add a onboard computer to interface with a touch screen in his chest. Possibly expand his personality and get his claws working.

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Here he is fresh from his trip from FL and in need of some TLC!

By — Last update


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Don't give us that, we all know once the EZ-B is in him that automatically makes him something special.

Looking forward to seeing the progress. I'll say now that I bet you can't fight the robot bug and only do just what you mentioned, you'll be adding on to it over and over - a robot that has finished being built has a lazy owner (no offence to any of the awesome finished robots):)


Posted some Omnibot 2000 parts on Ebay


There's a special place in my heart for the omnibot 2000. Much of the old equipment you will toss because it's 30 yrs old but the drive train and wheels keep. There's a ridiculous amount of things we have done to omnibot 2000 more than any other forum I have ever found.


Waiting on parts to come in. In the mean time had to clean this bad boy up a bit. Amazing what a little paint can do!

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I have some Omnibot 2000 parts listed on ebay. And by the way great job on your project.


@Anthony Yes, they are! Actually, looking for a way to replace them with shoulder joints similar to the arm joins on Lexi 3000.


Started from the ground up. New treads, a dremel and alot  of hot glue. 

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