— Edited

Hoping someone can help me with this.I'm currently assembling parts to build my own and had some questions.
in the showcase it calls for a motor controller. Do I need 1 or 2 of these? I've read different thoughts on the subject. I plan to use Omnibots original drive train system for now.
What kind of motor controller? Looking around it seems a lot of people use the L289n h bridge. Would this work for me?
To use the original motors and gearbox a l298n h bridge works. That's what it uses. If your going to add more than 5 or 10 pounds to the robot you may want to consider a sabertooth 2x10 or 2x12 and up the voltage from the original 6 volts to a 12 volt battery. A single 12 volt fits very well in the bottom drawer and ezb can fit where the original 6 volt battery went.
Awesome , I plan to leave him mostly stock so it sounds like the L289n will work perfect. I just need 1 then?
Yes just one.
Also, I was looking around and saw PWM mentioned. Do I need a H bridge with or without PWM?
With pwm so you can adjust speed.
Awesome, thank you so much jstarne1!