Country: Portugal
Member Since:
2015-11-22 - joined Synthiam
2015-11-22 - connected ARC to the cloud
2016-01-06 - joined your first forum discussion
2016-01-06 - created a custom avatar
2016-01-07 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2016-01-07 - created first new question
2016-02-11 - shared your first photo in the forum
2016-05-04 - answered a forum question
2019-04-18 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2019-04-18 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2019-04-18 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2019-04-19 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
2019-07-27 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2020-12-03 - shared your first video in the forum
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Feature Requests (3)

Not All Voices Apear In ARC Speech Settings
Hi guys. I am trying to select a new voice in the speech synthesis settings but i am unable to see all voices that i have installed in...question

Arduino EZB Firmware To ARC Communication
I am trying to make a plugin. How can I send a non int number from arduino firmware to ARC plugin? For example, if I have the command...question

Anyone Using An AI Cam Board?
Anyone using this board? AI Cam PS: sorry i am unable to open a new question...question

XV11 LIDAR And The Navigator
@DJ Hi, I have a lidar scanner from a xiaomi vacuum cleaner and am using an aruino leonardo and this code https://github.com/getSurreal/XV_Lidar_Controller to use...question

Two Instances Of ARC
Is it possible to have two computers running ARC and have them linked over Wi-Fi. Like master slave to share workload? One handling vision and ai, and the other sensors and...question

Adding Values To Variable
setVar(CLeft,0); def loop(): if getVar($RoombaLightBumperCenterLeft)==1: Navigation.SetNavigationStatusToPause(); print Bumper Center Left; setVar(CLeft)+=1; sleep(5); if...question

Pausing Navigation In Script
How can i pause the navigation in a python script and then continuou? Thxsquestion

Merry Christmas To All My Friends At Synthiam!
I which a merry Christmas to all of you and your families. A year full of hope, joy and good health. A special hug to DJ Sures....question

Roomba CanT Connect To PC Without EZ-B
Any one else who uses the roomba with this problem?question

No Internet Connection Error In ARC
Hi, i get these error messages in ARC when i try to get new skills or try to make a new skill... I am obviously connected to the internet. Help?question

Error On Line 1: Capability I2C Master Is Not Supported On This Device.
Was trying to use the mpu6050 plugin with an of the schelf mpu6050. When i run...question

Can We Use The ARC Mobile App Outside Our Home Network?
Hi, I am trying to use the ARC mobile app to control my EZ-B v4 using 4G network on my android phone using...question

New Roomba Movement Panel In Mobile Interface
Hi all, I am building a robot to watch my cats as i leave for vacations, and want to use a roomba 500 series because of its...question

Ez-B V4/2 Comm Upgrade And Ez-B Iotiny
I would like to know if the comm bords of both IoTiny and the new v4/2 are the same? If yes, why does the v4 upgrade cost more than the IoTiny...question

Unabble To Connect To Ez-B V4/2
Hi, Just installed the EZ-B v4/2 comm board and i can´t get it to connect. Used both modes. This is AP. I get these errors as shown the snaps. Could use some...question

Object Delete Not Possible?
Hello, i need to delete some trained objects, but the only way is to clear the memory and all trained objects will be deleted. Is there a fix for deleting only...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.

MPU6050 Tilt Angle Sensor v2
The MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer and a MEMS gyro in a single chip. It is very accurate, as it contains a 16-bits analog to...Misc

DHT11 Temp Humidity Sensor
The DHT11 is a basic, ultra low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to...No Synthiam robots. Click here to view the featured robot projects.
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feature request

YLIDAR X2 Lidar Plugin
I just received my YLIDAR X2 lidar and it works very good with the pointcloud app that it has. I tried to use the Hitachi LDS plugin in ARC, I select 115200 as baud rate and as...feature request

DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver
Give ARC the ability to control stepper motors with this cheep driver.feature request