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Country: Portugal
Member Since:


  • 2015-11-22 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-11-22 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-01-06 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2016-01-06 - created a custom avatar
  • 2016-01-07 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-01-07 - created first new question
  • 2016-02-11 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-05-04 - answered a forum question
  • 2019-04-18 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2019-04-18 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2019-04-18 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2019-04-19 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
  • 2019-07-27 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2020-12-03 - shared your first video in the forum

Latest submissions

Not All Voices Apear In ARC Speech Settings

Not All Voices Apear In ARC Speech Settings

Hi guys. I am trying to select a new voice in the speech synthesis settings but i am unable to see all voices that i have installed in...

Camera Control Error: System.Nullreferenceexception:

@DJ I get this repeating error message when I use object recognition and the smart variable watcher at the same time? Camera: Camera Control Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)...

Out Of The Box SLAM

Have my eyes on this for a while the Slamtec Mapper M1M1. I think it would be great for a standard component for the ARC community to build a standard robot platform. What do you guys think?
Arduino EZB Firmware To ARC Communication

Arduino EZB Firmware To ARC Communication

I am trying to make a plugin. How can I send a non int number from arduino firmware to ARC plugin? For example, if I have the command...
Anyone Using An AI Cam Board?

Anyone Using An AI Cam Board?

Anyone using this board? AI Cam PS: sorry i am unable to open a new question...
XV11 LIDAR And The Navigator

XV11 LIDAR And The Navigator

@DJ Hi, I have a lidar scanner from a xiaomi vacuum cleaner and am using an aruino leonardo and this code to use...
Two Instances Of ARC

Two Instances Of ARC

Is it possible to have two computers running ARC and have them linked over Wi-Fi. Like master slave to share workload? One handling vision and ai, and the other sensors and...
Adding Values To Variable

Adding Values To Variable

setVar(CLeft,0); def loop(): if getVar($RoombaLightBumperCenterLeft)==1: Navigation.SetNavigationStatusToPause(); print Bumper Center Left; setVar(CLeft)+=1; sleep(5); if...
Pausing Navigation In Script

Pausing Navigation In Script

How can i pause the navigation in a python script and then continuou? Thxs
Merry Christmas To All My Friends At Synthiam!

Merry Christmas To All My Friends At Synthiam!

I which a merry Christmas to all of you and your families. A year full of hope, joy and good health. A special hug to DJ Sures....
Roomba Can´T Connect To PC Without EZ-B

Roomba CanT Connect To PC Without EZ-B

Any one else who uses the roomba with this problem?
No Internet Connection Error In ARC

No Internet Connection Error In ARC

Hi, i get these error messages in ARC when i try to get new skills or try to make a new skill... I am obviously connected to the internet. Help?
Error On Line 1: Capability 'I2C Master' Is Not Supported On This Device.

Error On Line 1: Capability I2C Master Is Not Supported On This Device.

Was trying to use the mpu6050 plugin with an of the schelf mpu6050. When i run...
Can We Use The ARC Mobile App Outside Our Home Network?

Can We Use The ARC Mobile App Outside Our Home Network?

Hi, I am trying to use the ARC mobile app to control my EZ-B v4 using  4G network on my android phone using...
New Roomba Movement Panel In Mobile Interface

New Roomba Movement Panel In Mobile Interface

Hi all, I am building a robot to watch my cats as i leave for vacations, and want to use a roomba 500 series because of its...

Microphone In Raspberry Pi Synthiam Not Working

@DJ- I was trying to use a microphone but get a message that it is not suported in this version? Are there any plans to make use of a microphone on the Rpi version of Synthiam. Thanks.

Google Home And EZ-B

Hi guys, Is there a way to use/integrate google home with EZ-B/Synthiam? I have been locking for a tutorial but didnt find one. Regards.

Shipping Only By Dhl?

@DJ- Hi, i would love to buy more stuff from ezrobot but DHL shipping makes this impossible. Why isn´t there an option to use regular mail? DHL is extreemly expensive.
Ez-B V4/2 Comm Upgrade And Ez-B Iotiny

Ez-B V4/2 Comm Upgrade And Ez-B Iotiny

I would like to know if the comm bords of both IoTiny and the new v4/2 are the same? If yes, why does the v4 upgrade cost more than the IoTiny...
Unabble To Connect To Ez-B V4/2

Unabble To Connect To Ez-B V4/2

Hi, Just installed the EZ-B v4/2 comm board and i can´t get it to connect. Used both modes. This is AP. I get these errors as shown the snaps. Could use some...
Object Delete Not Possible?

Object Delete Not Possible?

Hello, i need to delete some trained objects, but the only way is to clear the memory and all trained objects will be deleted. Is there a fix for deleting only...

Please Help With Script

Hi, i am trying to move a servo left or right from a variable coming from Roborealm but i get this error: 2: If ($RR_NV_TURRET_LEFT = 1) then Move( D12, left ) Error on line 2: Missing String Quotes or Invalid Expression: then Move( D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Adding A Smartphone For Wireless Cam And Micro

Hi, just want to share how i got my EZ-B robot to have a wifi mic and camera using a smartphone. This is a great alternative if you have a robot without a PC onboard. I use WO Webcam and WO Mic. Hope it is useful for someone. Paulo

Delay From Pandorabot To Talk Servo Plugin

I am using the talk servo plugin with the pandorabot. But there is a 2 second delay between the two. It seems like that the pandorabot plugin gets processed first and when its over the talk servo starts and then the servo moves. Any idea? Paulo

New Plugin Idea Request - Encoder

Hi DJ, i think some kinde of encoder plugin would be great. There are basically to encoder types: optical or mechanical. What do you think?

New Object Learning With Script Possible?

Hi, i was trying to make a script where we use speach recognition and say for example: Train new object, and show a new object to the camera and give it a name via voice, but cant finde any script comands to do that. Is it possible? Thanks. Paulo
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