
YLIDAR X2 Lidar Plugin Score 995

I just received my YLIDAR X2 lidar and it works very good with the pointcloud app that it has. I tried to use the Hitachi LDS plugin in ARC, I select 115200 as baud rate and as I hit start the lidar slows down and after 5 seconds or so I get error messages. Of course I didnt expect it to work right out of the box.

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@DJ  Is modifying the Hitachi plugin possible or would it need a new plugin for YLidar?

Here is the link to the sdk in github: https://github.com/YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK And here is the link for the lidar: https://www.ydlidar.com/service_support/download.html


EZB 0: 2021/07/05 12:07:38 +01:00 New ARC Early Access is available! (2021.07.01.00)

EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: Windows version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19043.0 Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 (96x96 dpi) ARC (Early Access) Version: 2021.06.11.00 System.Exception: Lidar service parse error: System.Exception: Lidar data is piling up and not being processed. We stopped the collection at 50 729 Bytes. Post on the forum so we can better understand what is happening and fix it. em Hitachi_LG_LDS_Lidar.LidarServiceUART.imageThreadWorker(EZTaskScheduler sender, Int32 taskId, Object o) em C:\My Documents\SVN\Developer - Controls\In Production\Hitachi-LG LDS Lidar\MY_PROJECT_NAME\LidarServiceUART.cs:line 152 em Hitachi_LG_LDS_Lidar.LidarServiceUART.imageThreadWorker(EZTaskScheduler sender, Int32 taskId, Object o) em C:\My Documents\SVN\Developer - Controls\In Production\Hitachi-LG LDS Lidar\MY_PROJECT_NAME\LidarServiceUART.cs:line 182 em EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.u7eXhkAjCPWn2DofRBQ(Object , Object , Int32 taskId, Object ) em EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.mVLtk2Cfuy()

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I’d have to take a look at the protocol. I’m sure it’s similar to the other so it might be an easy modification


Thanks DJ, appreciate it.


Hi DJ, any update on this? Thanks


I haven't had free time to look into it. The last time I looked, the example code was terrible and difficult to follow:(