Upgrade to ARC Pro

Stay at the forefront of robot programming innovation with ARC Pro, ensuring your robot is always equipped with the latest advancements.

#1   — Edited

No when I first  connected to PC there was no EZb connected and I was running sample scripts from the create 2 irobot web site code samples Oh but yes with ARC trying to connect to robot everytime I need to wait for robot beep ,then I usually need to reconnect again so that  ARC will get control. Then if I just want to reconnect anytime in day, I leave the Latte Panda running with ARC always on and no problems activating roomba.

#2   — Edited

Well, i am just using the roomba movement panel. I was never able to connect to the PC without an EZ-B.

#3   — Edited

Did you try with the special serial to usb cable from irobot or make your own to connect to computer it should then work with any code from internet like Python or C+ Also Synthiam can only work if robot controller is on.Or else just connect cable to pc and use other programming like Python for sample coding.

#4   — Edited

I don't know what roborad means by Python or C+. But the skill has been updated to not require an EZB connection now:) Thanks for letting me know

Reload ARC with an internet connection and you should be prompted to upgrade the irobot roomba Movement Panel skill


Oh ya sorry sometimes I don't give enough details but even if you don't use synthiam ARC you can run a simple roomba movement script sample from the irobot web just download the Zip file and run it. Looks very similar to the ARC roomba movement control. Great to know the Roomba Movement Panel updated DJ!


There is nothing other than Synthiam ARC here:)

#7   — Edited

I hear you DJ, I was so disappointed to see Create 2 had no organized methods to really control it's own product,LoL! What you can do with Synthiam ARC is 1000 times better,ha ha! EDIT--- BUT I did see you have included Python method also as an option to program Roomba. Although Blocky And Ez Script way more easy to use in Synthiam Arc.


Hi DJ, i updated the roomba Movement Panel but i am still unable to connect to ARC. Here are some images:

User-inserted image

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#9   — Edited

The iRobot Roomba is not an EZB. Do not use the ezb connect button or set the connect baud rate. You only need to use the iRobot Roomba Movement Panel.

It appears you'd like to connect directly to the roomba via COM 2 UART adapter. Do not use the EZB connection.


Got it! Thaks DJ.


Resolved and closed.