Asked — Edited

Error On Line 1: Capability 'I2C Master' Is Not Supported On This Device.

Was trying to use the mpu6050 plugin with an of the schelf mpu6050. When i run the code stated here: https://synthiam.com/Software/Manual/MPU6050-Accelerometer-Gyro-Temperature-16187 i get this message: Error on line 1: Capability 'I2C Master' is not supported on this device.  Does this plugin only suports the  EZ-Bit MPU6050?

Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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You have to connect to an ezb supporting I2c before running the script. At the time of this response, the two i2c supported ezb are from ezrobot and they’re EZ-B v4 and iotiny. The arduino ezb does not support i2c at the time of this response.

#2   — Edited

Dj i am using an ezb-v4.

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i think dj means devices from ez robot.am not sure.


Now i can connect but synthiam freezes...


ARC freezes? Does the red LED stay lit on the ezb? If so, your i2c device is not communicating and it’s locking the ezb v4


When I used a third party MPU-6050 board with the EZ-B I had to change the SDA and SCL pullup resistors as the on-board resistors were too weak (4.7k I believe). I changed them to 1Kohm.

I also shortened the wire length to diminish the capacitance on the SDA and SCL lines.


The SDA and SCL pullups are 222 (2.2k). Tested the mpu6050 on an arduino and it works ok. I will try to shorten the wires. Is the i2C line diferent on the ezb v4? I thougt it would be standard.

#9   — Edited

I2c is a standard.


The i2C lines aren’t different, it’s just the requirements of the STM32 chip. It requires less capacitance on the wires than the Atmega328. To bring the capacitance down you need stronger pull-up resistors, probably 1kohm or even as strong as 330ohm.


Got it. Will try some stronger pull-ups. Thanks.


I'm using an esp32 as my ezb board and I wanted to connect an mpu6050 to it. Does this board currently support i2c in ezb and if not, could i implement it in a new module I mean assigning any two digital pins as the scl and sda


You can modify the esp32 firmware to use i2c. Do you know what pins the esp32 uses for i2c?


Yes the pins are 21 & 22, though in arduino i can publish any two other pins as sda and scl. Now,  I don't know what's the amount of data i'm receiving or what's the format i'm supposed to send the data retrieved from the i2c device when handling to CmdI2CWrite and CmdI2CRead.


I was building a custom plugin to communicate i2c with the ESP but it throws the aforementioned exception " Capability 'I2C Master' is not supported on this device". I added an if clause to handle CmdI2CWrite. Do i need to change the firmware id to tell ARC that it can handle i2c?