Resolved by DJ Sures!
Hi, i get these error messages in ARC when i try to get new skills or try to make a new skill... I am obviously connected to the internet. cool Help?
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Anyone else having this problem?
Hmmm I wonder if it is timing out. There’s a registry change you can make. Let me find it for you. One sec
The default time out is 4,000 ms. If you create a new key, you can put a larger number. Let me know if a larger number works. Maybe some distant servers are also having issues. 4,000 ms is a loooooooong time in the computer world though!
Open the Register Editor on your PC
Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ARC by Synthiam
Right-click and select NEW -> String Value
The new key name will be WebServiceTimeoutMS
The value can be anything larger than 4000. Maybe try 5000, and then 6000. See which one works for you and let me know
Tried with 5000 and 6000 and ARC continues to say "No internet connection". Checked my fire wall and permissions. I have fast internet.
Can you view this URL in your browser?
And is there any proxy settings configured in preferences of ARC?
Oh, one other thing... I noticed you're running Version: 2020.11.02.00. Since you're a Pro, can you install the Early Access channel? It has bug fixes that Version: 2020.11.02.00 doesn't have. I don't think this is one of them, but it's a good place to start by using the latest release.
That was it DJ. I had my IP address there when i was testing SOCKS. (Im so Dumb). Thank you DJ and sorry 4 the waste of time.
Thank you DJ and sorry 4 the waste of time.
Hey - no prob dude! Happy you figured it out. Sometimes it's good to get a second set of eyes on something