Country: USA
Member Since:
82 year old, retired computer engineer. Have built Lego(EV3) robots (Segway and Rubik Cube solver) and Robotis Bioloid Premium humanoid robot. Have used Arduino to give these projects speech and different modes of command. Completed "EZ Wilber" an EZ-Bv4 enhanced Lego Segway robot. My "EZ Lester" is a Robotis Bioloid Premium humanoid robot. This project is well underway. I am located in the San Diego North County area. My email address is: stafford.irvin@att.net
2014-09-15 - joined Synthiam
2014-09-16 - created a custom avatar
2014-09-18 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-10-06 - created first new question
2014-10-06 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-10-06 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-10-06 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-11-19 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-11-19 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2018-01-04 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-01-04 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-01-04 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
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Fix Control Icon Positions On ARC Desktop?
Is there any way to assure that the control icons will maintain their positions if a new control is added or ARC is exited, then...question

Questions Installing 2015.12.19.00 Version
I am a long time user of EZ-Robot. This is the first time I have had any problems installing a new version. A bit of history about the...question

Sound Servo (Ezb)
When I use the Sound Servo (EZB) to control Mouth LEDs on my bot Wilber, The Sound Servo seems to quit outputting values before the spoken message is over. Notice 2015 is not included....question

Visit To Synthiam
Last week I had a very enjoyable experience at the EZ-Robot office. I met Jeremy, Alan, and another employe (didnt remember his name). Jeremy made me feel right at home. He was very...question

Array Entry Format
I am trying to write an Array of ControlCommand scripts but I get an error message when I Run it. What is the correct format for this kind of entry? Thank you.question

Cant Cut And Paste To Project Details
I cant paste my Video URL or Project Description text using CTL C to cut from a source, then CTL-V to paste into the Details page.question

How To Use The Uart Script Functions
I am trying to interface my Robotics Bioloid to the EZ-Bv4 using UART 0 to transmit/receive the 5 word Comm packet; FF 55 Data_l ~Data_l Data_h...question

Project Gallery With My Last Thread Post
The Project Gallery with my last post is a black screen. How do I correct that? The URL for the video I posted with my thread is:...question

Robots That Learn
@d.cochran, @DJ Sures What effort, software development, or application(s) would be required to add the Robots That Learn capability like that of the braincorporations eyeRover? Ref:...question

My Talking Robot, Wilber
This is my talking robot, Wilber (Dont know how the image got rotated) He was made with a Lego Mindstorm EV3 kit with Gyro and IR sensors. The build instructions and...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Oldbotbuilders Baxter With Ax-12 And Iotiny
Baxter is an unauthorized clone of EZ Robots JD Humanoid robot. Baxter and JD Baxters back His full name is: JD (Tiny) BAXTER, Wip...robot

Oldbotbuilders My Bot Wilber (Now Ez Wilber)
Apologies if this is too long. My .bot Wilber Wilber was constructed from a Lego Mindstorm EV3 kit. The self-balancing robot build...robot

Oldbotbuilders My Talking Robot, Lester
My website http://my-robot-lester.weebly.com describes how I added a voice to my Robotis Bioloid Premium Robot that I call Lester using an...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.

BAXTER 05-04-17
Baxter is an unauthorized clone of EZ Robots JD Humanoid robot. The name is from: EZ-B4 controller, AX-12 servos, Tethered robot. He has EZ-robot head and grippers. The chassis is from a...app

JD (Tiny) BAXTER, Wip
Baxter is an unauthorized clone of EZ Robots JD Humanoid robot. The name is from: EZ-B4 controller, AX-12 servos, Tethered Robot. He has EZ-robot head and grippers. The chassis...app

EZ LESTER 02-19-16
Lester is a Robotics Bioloid Premiun Type A robot with EZ Robot head, hands, and EZ-B4 controller. The EZ-B4 controller sends command sequences on UART 0. UART 0 is connected to a...app

LESTER 02-19-16 No Camera
Lester is a Robotics Bioloid Premiun Type A robot with EZ Robot head, hands, and EZ-B4 controller. The EZ-B4 controller sends command sequences on UART 0. UART 0 is...app

AX-12 Test 2
My Robotis Bioloid Lester driven with EZ-B4 Dynamixel plugin. This test initilializes Lester in the sit position, then the Auto Position Action Arm Swing raises the arms from at the side (arm 0)...app

Wilber is an inverted pendulum, self balancing robot (Segway). The balancing is accomplished using a Lego EV3 controller . The structure and balancing software were developed by Laurence Valk....No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.