— Edited
What are the 4 steps of the 'processing order'.
What are the 4 steps of the 'processing order'.
Question how long does it usually take to go from 2 to 3 on a developers kit? Mine is been on 2 for almost 3 months your site says pre order ships in one month
Preorders have been shipping for a couple of months now however it depends what was in the order as some items were taking longer to source.
If it's just the developers kit you should probably have had it shipped by now, if it isn't then contact EZ-Robot using the Contact Us page.
If there are any other items in the order along with the developer kit (i.e. batteries, chargers, servos etc) this may be what is delaying the order.
In either case, use the Contact Us form for a quicker, more accurate answer than the forum will give.
I should have elaborated more, step 2 is a check for fraud, but also making sure that we have the necessary product on hand and all the information we need to ship. We are still fulfilling our backlog at the moment and polishing up all the steps. Some of our team is travelling to China at the end of the week to check on things over there. Every day we move closer to ironing out all the wrinkles!
I ordered mine in July and just received an email that I'm in Step 4) Shipped! That's a pretty fast turnaround considering their backlog.
Thanks EZ!
@TNMike... if you don't mind me asking, what did your order?
Just the developer kit.
Dang.....it seems Roli is proving to be one elusive critter in the wild.
Just a clarification - step 3 may not always be active right now, so you'll often see orders move straight from step 2 to step 4 for the moment. Step 3 means that the manufacturers are packing up your order and getting it ready for shipment, but our manufacturers don't yet have access to this system.
Very soon you'll see step 3 being used. We're in the process of changing how orders get from our system to your hands. Our system will be more efficient, so we can handle the higher volume of orders that we're experiencing and anticipate in the future.
when i got home checked my order it was marked shipped and DHL texted me it will be delivered tomorrow. this was great news Thanks All
@zap- My roli was ordered Nov 11 last year. I (my GF) got the email today and I should have it tomorrow. According to the tracking info, it went from China to Cincinnati, OH in a day so, I'm guessing today or tomorrow. So they are coming my friend.
(So excited! [scream in little girl voice] I may even be sick tomorrow and have to miss work ;( )
This is wonderful to hear that Roli is rolling out of China! I ordered mine January 6, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel ... you know the one to China
That's awesome to hear. My son asks me every day if ours has shipped yet.
I received an email from Ez-Robot this morning stating that my Order Status has been moved to "shipped"
Just 5 minutes after reading this email, there was a knock on the door. It was the man from DHL with a box containing my additional Ez-Riobot bits! That was fast!
Many thanks Ez-Robot Team!
I must say that the smooth, injection molded case for the EZ-B V4 looks and feels great compared to the 3D printed one I received with my development kit earlier this year No matter. It's just a case
The other surprise is the size of JDs head. It's certainly bigger than I thought it would be, but I suppose there are a few components crammed in there!
@Zap- I'm sorry Antron007 mislead you. I'm his GF. We received a package today but it only contained the additional servos we ordered with the credit given to early pre-orderers. No Roli
We did have an earlier incident with it being marked as shipped back in August. I've used the Contact Us link to have EZ-Robot follow up on this. Either Antron or I will update you all when we know more. I'm sorry if he got your hopes up for no reason.
BTW The canned email message still talks about the robots connecting via blu tooth. EZR Co. might want to update that with the V4 being WiFi.
Other members have reported they have received their Roil shipping notice so @Zap should still remain excited...
We just got an email. They did ship separate. My Roli is still in the queue. It should ship soon as they send Rolis out
Got a call from the DHL driver, I wasn't home but we were able to meet along his route. I'll be in the workshop this evening!