My website '' describes how I added a voice to my Robotis Bioloid Premium Robot that I call "Lester" using an Arduino mini.
I plan to use the EZ-B v4 WiFi Robot Controller to add command response to voice, command response to smart phone apps, etc. Looking forward to receiving my EZ-B v4.
I will also use the EZ-B v4 to expand the capabilities of robots made with the Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit
By OldBotBuilder
— Last update
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This looks great, but for some reason the youtube video doesn't load. Can you possibly try fix the link?
All fixed. Thank you.
oldbotbuilder very nice.
OldBotBuilder, Thank you for sharing your awesome robot. I love seeing new robots on the forum. It looks like a premium build. Any details of your build would be great. EZ Robot is great, ARC is very versatile.
You will be very welcomed. Steve S
Great build there @oldbotbuilder, ez robot is a great platform for you to be able to take "Lester", further on his journey :-)
Lester and I thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
Wait until you get your EZB4.... You will want to throw your arduino in the garbage...
The garbage can has been so notified of "Incoming".
oldbotbuilder you are the greatest...
enjoy your EZ-B's the are the greatest. lol
This old doc welcomes another "oldbotbuilder" You Rock !
I have a Bioloid also. I plan on getting him his own EZ-B V4. I hope you get your EZ-B soon and have a blast. My humanoid Dave loves his EZ-B V3. Happy robot building!