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Member Since:


  • 0001-01-01 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-10-12 - created first new question
  • 2013-10-14 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-08-25 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-09-10 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-09-23 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-10-11 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2018-12-26 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2018-12-26 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-12-26 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions

Sabertooth/Kangaroo With Different Motor/Encoder Combination

Sabertooth/Kangaroo With Different Motor/Encoder Combination

Since I know some of you have used the Sabertooth and Kangaroo I figured I would ask opinions. I...
Continuous Rotation Servo Speed

Continuous Rotation Servo Speed

Is there any way to control the speed of the continuous rotation servos from the developers kit via the mobile interface? I tried a few different controls but...

Pc Soundboard Sound Wave Form

@DJ Sure Are you planning to add the same sound wave and auto position functions that the V4 soundboard has to the soundboard control for pc sound? Thanks

Connection Control Ip Input Not Working On Phone

Ever since I updated to the new version of the app on my android phone when I try to enter the IP address in the connection screen it does not work. When I type for example what ends up in the control text box is 1921683.2 or some variation of that. Also the done button does nothing when pressed. The only way I can get back out of the...
ARC And Roborealm Dice Counting

ARC And Roborealm Dice Counting

Here is a quick video showing dice counting using the integration between ARC and Roborealm. Thanks

Motor Gripper Constant Servo Noise

I have two of the servo grippers with the mini servos. When I first power up the EZB the servos make no noise. After telling the servo to go to a position the servo moves to the position and stops but keeps making a high pitched hum as if the servo is still trying to move. This occurs no matter what position it moves to. My other servos for example...
Custom Graph

Custom Graph

When I click on the gear for the custom graph I get this and ARC crashes. ************** Exception Text ************** System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an...

Uart Read Commands

Perhaps its just me but the UART commands for reading data is in the manual but when I try to type it in it does not seen to work and where the command would show up kind of like intellisense they do not. Any help would be appreciated.

Uart Port Voltage

Looking at the EZB spec sheet the UART TTL Voltage Level (input/output) is listed at 3.3 volts. I am going to connect that port to a device that uses 5V TTL for communicating via serial. I believe I would have to use a bidirectional logic level converter. Am I correct? Thanks


In EZ-Script: It is not really clear to me what functionality regarding Arrays are supported with EZ-Script. Perhaps someone can clarify for me how to do the following: 1. How do I define an array with multiple elements all at once. 2. How do I traverse the elements of an array? 3. How do I append to the array? 4. Is there a for loop like...

Sizeof Array

Does anyone know if its possible and how to recreate the Sizeof command from Arduino processing in EZ-Script. I am trying to port some code to EZ-Script but not quite sure how to accomplish this. Arduino Sizeof command Here is what I am really trying to port: Lets say you have a array of values: int sequence[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1};...

Radar Scan Control

Does the radar scan control work via the mobile interface or is it just scripting? Thanks

Radar Control Reverse

@DJ Would it be possible to get an addition to the radar control so we can specify how long the robot should back up before turning. Thanks

Ezb Audio

First let me say I have been using the EZB for a few days now and I love it. The only aspect about it that I am not too thrilled about is the audio output quality. There seems to be a high amount of white noise//buzz no matter the volume. I have both tried MP3 and WAV files of different quality but it does not seems to make that much difference. If...

Developer Kit Regulator

I really like the regulator size that comes in the developers kit for the ping sensor. I have a few questions: 1. Any idea when these will be available separately on the store. 2. What is the specs on the regulator especially the input voltage range. Thanks

Continuous Rotation Servo Specs

I did a quick search and did not find anything. Does anyone know the voltage (specs) for the Continuous Rotation Servo in the developers kit? Thanks

Retrieving Array Values Via Tcp Server

I was wondering what the best method is of retrieving values in an array via the TCP server. Thanks


I have been trying to teach myself C#. I decided a good way to do this would be to write an application that pulls variables from Roborealm using their API into ARC. The long term goal is to use the AVM...

Pulling A Jpeg From Http Server Control Results In Not A Jpeg Error In Roborealm

I am using the read_HTTP module in Roborealm to pull the static image provided via the HTTP Server control in ARC. When I try Roborealm says its not a valid JPEG image. Troubleshooting done: 1. Using a browser I can access the image in ARCs HTTP server just fine. 2. Using a different website that provides an image the read_HTTP module in Roborealm...

Virtual Cameras

I was thinking that one thing that might be useful is if ARC could export the video feed from the EZB camera to multiple virtual cameras. That way if you had multiple applications that you need the camera feed in at the same time it would be easy to do. Thanks

Ez-Robot Wayback Machine

Its always fun seeing how a company website changes over time using the Wayback Machine. Wayback Machine

Custom Wall-E

I have been debating for a while on building a custom Wall-E. It will not be a full scale one and I have not decided on the exact scale. I am starting to look at parts and materials including the tracks to see how feasible it will be. Do anyone know of any triangular track system other than the Lynxmotion Johny 5 tracks otherwise I will most likely...

Hb-25 Motor Controller

Have anyone used the HB-25 motor controllers from Parralax with the EZ-B. I am trying to find out compatibility or any issues anyone have run into. It seems to behave like a servo based on their description. Thanks
Ez-Bit Ideas

Ez-Bit Ideas

Here are some ideas for EZ-Bit parts: 1. An attachment for the ping sensor that allows for stationary or up/down/left right movement. 2. A generic L shaped bracket with holes for adding loose...

Control Plugins

@DJ Sures Have you considered providing a way for others to write controls for ARC using a plugin architecture. Might be one way to get extra controls for different components/sensors etc into ARC without you having to do everything yourself. Just an idea.... Thanks

ARC Mobile

@ DJ Sures or any EZ robot staff I have two questions: 1. Any ETA on the ARC mobile version for apple devices? 2. When will the stand alone voltage regulators be in the store? Thanks
ARC Control Via Sdk

ARC Control Via Sdk

Is it possible to enable and disable for example the color tracking check box in the camera control in ARC via the SDK while conected via the telnet server? Thanks

Robot Navigation

I was doing some research on robot localization and I noticed roborealm has a module called AVM. One function in it is called navigation by map. More information can be found here I was wondering if I can duplicate the functionality using existing modules in ARC and some scripting. If not perhaps its...

Heavy Duty Servo Spline

I would like to find out what style of spline the heavy duty servos have. Thanks in advance.

Female Ez-Clip

I would like to see a female EZ-Clip on a square base (or some kind of base) with 4 screw holes so each easy to attach other EZ-bit components to custom robots for example the arms or head.

Rover 5 Chassis Question

I am thinking that the Rover 5 chassis in the store does not come with encoders due to the price. Is that correct?
Spec Sheet

Spec Sheet

This thread made me wonder if there is a spec sheet showing min/max voltages, current (per pin as well as overall for the board) etc on the new EZ-B pins / power...
Sensor Feedback Indicators

Sensor Feedback Indicators

In my introduction post I mentioned I was using TouchOSC to map back the LED on/off state to my control via an Ipod. The reason I am using that is because it was a easy...

A Short Introduction

I figured I would introduce myself. I started about 6 months ago with robotics using a BOE kit and Arduino. I wanted to do facial recognition so played around a bit with opencv and C#. During my research I ended up on the EZ-Robot site. Since I liked what I saw and the community seems friendly and helpful I ordered the developers kit and I am...
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