Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Pulling A Jpeg From Http Server Control Results In Not A Jpeg Error In Roborealm

I am using the read_HTTP module in Roborealm to pull the static image provided via the HTTP Server control in ARC.

When I try Roborealm says it's not a valid JPEG image.

Troubleshooting done:

  1. Using a browser I can access the image in ARC's HTTP server just fine.
  2. Using a different website that provides an image the read_HTTP module in Roborealm works fine.

There is some kind of incompatibility between Roborealm and ARC and how the image is either being sent or read.

Since I do not know which application is the cause of the issue I am requesting assistance from both sites.

Any help would be appreciated.


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You might need to contact RoboRealm to understand why their software is not able to read a JPEG image over HTTP


After posting here I did some more testing with fiddler and like you stated ARC seems to be sending a plain old JPEG back so I contacted them and they are looking into it.

Thanks for your reply.


awesome ! Let me know the results of their findings. I'm always willing for integration between neat projects like roborealm