Asked — Edited

Control Plugins

@DJ Sures

Have you considered providing a way for others to write controls for ARC using a plugin architecture.

Might be one way to get extra control's for different components/sensors etc into ARC without you having to do everything yourself.

Just an idea....



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We tossed the idea around - but the danger is a few fold...

  1. People insert spam or malicious function into the add-on

  2. The add-on is written poorly and makes ARC look bad

So, instead we release the EZ-SDK:)


@DJ Sures

Fair enough, just figured I would float the idea around.



I like the idea a lot. I would still like to figure out a way to make something like that possible - i'll throw it in the back of my brain and see what magic stirs:)


I suppose one option could be that prior to a plugin/control making it into ARC it gets vetted but that adds extra overhead.

Another option that may help for at least some of it is if there was some level of framework that a plugin must conform too. An API perhaps or template on how a plugin can be formed or both.

Or let a control (Control Builder may be a good name) that lets you build other controls using EZ-Script or some framework or API for the logic portion.
