
Arduino Giga With Wifi And Bluetooth

I am considering getting an Arduino Giga with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities and have a few questions. Has anyone integrated this with Synthiam ARC yet? Would it connect in client mode similar to the EZ-B v4? Should we use the Bluetooth option or the WiFi for connectivity? Does it require any specific software to be uploaded so that it automatically connects upon powering on?

The primary skill I intend to use is the StepperServo skill, so it will need to communicate with both other Arduinos and the computer. Is this feasible?


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Stepper skill isn’t an ezb - so it won’t work with WiFi. Maybe Bluetooth because I think the Bluetooth is a serial port.


Ok, ordered one. Hoping that when I add power to the Giga the bluetooth it will populate in my computer so that it can connect easily. Is there anything on ARC side of things that I will need to do to get it working? Does ARC have a skill that I will need to download to make them communicate properly? It would be pretty cool to get this working.