
Bluetooth Laser

I'd like to request a feature use bluetooth to communicate with a Leica Laser distance Measure. It is accurate to within 1/16" in 330 ft. If you want me to buy it and send it to you I can. Or if you see a different one that you would prefer to make work with ARC just let me know. Having this working would be really helpful. Thanks, Don


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Sorry, I think I'll need a bit of clarification on this one. I'm aware of Leica laser distance devices for carpenters and such. They're handheld devices that you can get from home depot in replacement of a tape measure.

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I do not see how this handheld distance scanner can be connected to ARC. Because it's a third-party product, we begin the process by reaching out to the company and letting them know there's a demand for their product in the skill store by robot builders (i.e., But the trouble with this is that their product is a standalone handheld device. There is no communication system or anything to "talk to." Unless you know of another Leica product designed for integration in product development, I don't see how this can be added to ARC.

There are many DIY options if you're looking for high-quality distance with a laser.

I do feel that understanding how these distance sensors work would be helpful because they may not do what you're requesting. The issues you were having with IR will also happen with laser (even though most distance sensors are IR or lower laser spectrum). This is because light doesn't always work, just like sound doesn't always work. Your best bet is to use a camera placed above the surface with a high field of view and contrasting background to get the shape and edges.

As for thickness, a programmatic feeler with a pressure switch is how most automation solutions work.


That’s a good find Dave. It’ll work with ARC too!

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Great find Dave!   The one that I was looking at has bluetooth and thought you may be able to communicate with it.

"There are many DIY options if you're looking for high-quality distance with a laser". Could you please send a few examples of them effectively working with ARC. I haven't been able to find one working with ARC that is not deeply involved.  Thanks again, Don


Dave, did you get the Ping laser working? I tried it with the ADC but it did not produce any change in voltages with different distance measurements -not sure why.


Laser ping manual explains that it uses the ultrasonic ping communication. It does not use adc. Dave posted a link to the manual for the product in a post above.


@Automation Man, sorry, I didn't get one of these. I just found it and pointed you to it. Good luck.

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The 3 prongs similar to servo board made me think it would use the ADC-should have read the manual. The Ultrasonic sensor from EZ Robot already works great still looking to solve the Lidar and came across this one which seems like it would work. I would like get a lidar working with or without Arduino so I can see for myself if it will be useful or not. I used to use a infrared sensor that would go off accurately 5 1/2 inches away so first detect the middle of the board, stop, then move forward till it turned off, then backward which turned on again but turned off on back edge. From there I could determine center and pick it up with a suction cup. I saw the video on the rotating ultrasonic sensor and will be experimenting with that one as well. Overall seems like 360 lidar would be so much easier and accurate. I will be doing some experimenting with the camera and edges as you have recommended.