Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Multiple Xbox Wireless Joysticks

I'd like to request to have the ability to have multiple xbox wireless joysticks in ARC. I realize the that the first one would have Movement Panel associated with it but the next ones could have all of the other buttons available and for the potentiometer it could just send out to the variables direction and speed and let us manipulate the data as needed. Similar to board 1,2,3 etc they could have their own identity. Somehow it seems like there could be a way to identify each one, maybe buy from different companies. This could helpful when you are running 20-40 different motors at one time or multiple different robots. Thanks, Don


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


You can add as many robot skills as you want to a project. If you want fifty-eight joystick robot skills, then add them. Select each joystick for each robot skill. Configure them individually as you please.

Use the Support section or Robot Skills list to find the joystick robot skill that suits your joystick type. Add as many joystick robot skills as you need. Read the manual for that joystick robot skill and follow the instructions in that manual for each joystick you add.

*Note: This is not a feature request. Please use the search or ask a question before submitting feature requests. I have converted this to a question.


Wonderful, I did try to add extra joystick beforehand and for some strange reason it wouldn't let me add it, but then after your comment I tried it again and it worked. This is going to add that cool effect! Thanks