
Is It Possible To Have Automatic Keyboard Taps Done On Startup Of A Script

, I've noticed that every time I open a Blockly script in ARC, I have to manually perform the same keyboard actions to resize and reorient the script. Given ARC's advanced capabilities, is it possible to automate these initial adjustments through a script? This would help reduce the repetitive steps needed to get started with each script. If this feature isn't currently available, could it be considered for a future update of ARC?

For example, I have a Blockly script that spans 1.5 pages. Each time I open it, I need to press the minus key five times to zoom out and then use the down arrow key to scroll up half a page. It would be incredibly useful to have these actions automated upon loading the script, with the flexibility to adjust as needed.

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Automating keyboard actions like resizing and reorienting a Blockly script upon startup isn't directly supported in ARC. However, you can achieve similar functionality by using JavaScript or Python scripting to control the environment and automate certain tasks.

Here's a general approach you can take:

  1. Use JavaScript or Python for Automation: You can write a script in JavaScript or Python to perform actions that are possible within the ARC environment. While direct keyboard emulation isn't supported, you can automate other tasks that ARC allows through scripting.

  2. ControlCommand(): Use the ControlCommand() function to interact with other robot skills or controls. This can help automate certain actions within ARC.

  3. Custom Initialization Script: Create a custom initialization script that sets up your environment as needed. This script can be executed at the start of your project to configure settings or perform actions that are scriptable.

  4. Feature Request: If the specific feature you need isn't available, consider submitting a feature request to Synthiam. They are always looking to improve ARC and might consider adding such functionality in future updates.

Here's an example of how you might use JavaScript or Python to automate some tasks:

// Example JavaScript or Python script to automate tasks
// This is a placeholder and won't directly control the  Blockly interface

// Set some initial conditions or variables
setVar("$InitialSetupDone", false);

// Function to perform initial setup
function initialSetup() {
    if (!getVar("$InitialSetupDone")) {
        // Perform setup actions here
        // For example, set initial positions or states

        // Mark setup as done
        setVar("$InitialSetupDone", true);

// Call the initial setup function

While this script doesn't directly resize or reorient the Blockly interface, it demonstrates how you can use scripting to automate other tasks within ARC. If you have specific actions in mind that are scriptable, feel free to ask for more detailed guidance!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena Ok I understand and this would be a good work around. At the current time I am not familiar with keyboard strokes done by the computer. Could you expand on how all the different keyboard strokes can be done automatically. Since I learn best by examples give me a few working examples that I can download and diagnose to see how it is all done.


Automating keyboard strokes directly within ARC using JavaScript or Python isn't supported, as ARC focuses on robot control and interaction rather than emulating keyboard inputs. However, I can guide you on how to automate tasks within ARC using scripting, which can help you achieve similar outcomes by controlling robot skills and settings programmatically.

Example 1: Automating servo Movement

Here's a simple example of how you can automate servo movement using JavaScript or Python in ARC:

// Set the servo position to 90 degrees
Servo.setPosition(d0, 90);

// Wait for 2 seconds

// Move the servo back to 0 degrees
Servo.setPosition(d0, 0);

Example 2: Automating Audio Playback

You can automate audio playback using the Audio functions:

// Play an audio file

// Wait for the audio to finish
Audio.waitForSpeech(10, "Audio finished playing");

Example 3: Automating Movement Commands

Automate movement commands using the Movement functions:

// Move the robot forward at speed 100

// Wait for 3 seconds

// Stop the robot

Example 4: Using ControlCommand to Interact with Other Skills

You can use ControlCommand() to interact with other robot skills:

// Start the camera
controlCommand("Camera", "StartCamera");

// Wait for 5 seconds

// Stop the camera
controlCommand("Camera", "StopCamera");

Learning by Examples

To learn by examples, you can explore the following resources:

  1. Synthiam's Example Projects: Check out the example projects available on the Synthiam website. These projects often include scripts that demonstrate various functionalities.

  2. Synthiam Tutorials: The tutorials on Synthiam's website provide step-by-step guides on using different features of ARC, including scripting.

  3. Community Projects: Explore projects shared by the Synthiam community. These projects can provide insights into how others are using ARC and scripting to automate tasks.

While direct keyboard emulation isn't possible within ARC, these examples show how you can automate tasks related to robot control and interaction. If you have specific tasks in mind, feel free to ask for more detailed guidance!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena Well that was a very off key reply. I already know how to do the above examples. We have been talking about keyboard key stokes. Example- on startup of script push - (minimize) 5 times. After that move page up a half of a page. I need examples of individual key strokes as if I were doing it singurlyy


I apologize for the confusion. Automating keyboard keystrokes directly within ARC using JavaScript or Python is not supported, as ARC is designed for robot control and interaction rather than emulating keyboard inputs. However, if you're looking to automate keystrokes for other applications or within a Windows environment, you would typically use external tools or programming languages that support keyboard automation, such as AutoHotkey or Python with libraries like pyautogui.

Example with AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey is a powerful scripting language for Windows that can automate keystrokes and mouse clicks. Here's an example script that minimizes a window and scrolls down:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

; Minimize the window 5 times
Loop 5 {
    Send, {Ctrl Down}{-}{Ctrl Up}
    Sleep, 100  ; Wait 100 milliseconds between each keystroke

; Scroll down half a page
Send, {PgDn}

Example with Python and PyAutoGUI

If you prefer using Python, you can use the pyautogui library to simulate keystrokes:

import pyautogui
import time

# Minimize the window 5 times
for _ in range(5):
    pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', '-')
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Wait 100 milliseconds between each keystroke

# Scroll down half a page'pagedown')

How to Use These Scripts

  1. AutoHotkey:

    • Download and install AutoHotkey from
    • Save the script as a .ahk file and run it.
  2. Python with PyAutoGUI:

    • Install pyautogui using pip: pip install pyautogui.
    • Run the Python script using a Python interpreter.

These examples demonstrate how to automate keystrokes outside of ARC. If you need to perform similar actions within ARC, you would typically look for ARC-specific scripting solutions or request feature enhancements from Synthiam. If you have further questions or need more examples, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

@Athena Yes this past reply was much better and on point. Now I may need help from @Synthiam Support to bridge the two/three types of languages. ARC does do Python so that is one part, but most of my programming is done with Blockly or javascript. My thoughts are to have a separate script written in Python to open (controlCommand) up a script written in Blockly and manipulate it to proper sizes and then the Python script will be completed and Blockly script will be open. What is the proper way to do it?


To achieve the integration of different scripting languages within ARC, you can use the ControlCommand() function to manage the interaction between scripts. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can set this up:

Step 1: Create a Python Script for Automation

First, create a Python script in ARC that will handle the automation tasks, such as resizing or reorienting the Blockly script.

import time

# Example function to simulate keystrokes or other automation tasks
def automate_blockly_script():
    # Simulate actions like resizing or reorienting
    # This is a placeholder for your actual automation logic
    print("Automating  Blockly script...")

# Call the automation function

Step 2: Use ControlCommand to Open Blockly Script

You can use the ControlCommand() function to open or interact with the Blockly script from your Python script. Ensure that your Blockly script is set up to respond to specific commands.

# Example of using  ControlCommand to interact with Blockly
controlCommand("BlocklyScriptName", "Open")

Step 3: Integrate with JavaScript or Blockly

If you have existing JavaScript or Blockly scripts, you can use the ControlCommand() function to trigger actions or pass data between scripts. Here's an example of how you might set this up in JavaScript:

// JavaScript function to be triggered by Python script
function onBlocklyScriptOpen() {
    // Perform actions needed after  Blockly script is opened
    console.log("Blockly script opened and ready.");

// Use  ControlCommand to trigger the JavaScript function
controlCommand("JavaScriptScriptName", "onBlocklyScriptOpen");

Step 4: Coordinate the Scripts

Ensure that your scripts are coordinated to execute in the correct order. You might need to use global variables or status flags to manage the flow between scripts.

Additional Tips

  • Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming for your scripts and functions to avoid confusion.
  • Debugging: Use print statements or logging to track the execution flow and debug any issues.
  • Testing: Test each script independently before integrating them to ensure they work as expected.

By using ControlCommand() and coordinating your scripts, you can create a seamless workflow that integrates Python, JavaScript, and Blockly within ARC. If you encounter any specific issues or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

A number of years ago I had to do something like you're wanting to do in my robot project. I ended up using a skill that would move the mouse pointer around and do the clicks needed to make things happen. I think it was called Remote Mouse. I stopped using it after a while as I didn't need it anymore but it worked great for what I needed it to do. Maybe it would help you with what you would like to do? If not at least there is funny video there with @DJ moving the PC mouse with his nose and the camera. LOL.

Here is it:

Remote Mouse


@ Dave. Have not seen that one before and I like it. Have a feeling that I will be using this skill for many things. Need to dive in and see how the hypothetical mouse click works etc. For us a lot of times just talking it over will start the gears turning in our head and will come up with the answer the next day. Just need to understand the guts of how it all works and then we can do all kinds of things with it.


I hope it works for you. It's been so long sense I used it I can't remember much about it. However I do remember much of it has to do with the exact location of your window in Pixels. Once you install the skill you can make stand alone scripts. There is no place in this skill to set up the skill or make a script. Once you start a new script you can either right click in it to get the ControlCommand JS commands or use the Cheat Sheet to the right of the script consol. Here a list that I found when I did this:

controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "LeftClick"); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "MoveDown", PixelCount); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "MoveLeft", PixelCount); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "MoveRight", PixelCount); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "MoveUp", PixelCount); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "RightClick"); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "SetAbsolute", x, y); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "WindowLocation", x, y, width, height); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "WindowMaximize"); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "WindowMinimize"); controlCommand("Remote Mouse", "WindowRestore");